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St. George’s, Grenada – October 11, 2013 / 

Belize Fisheries Compliace Staff II

Caribbean countries have recognized the need to enhance the effectiveness of fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance, in order to combat Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing – one of the greatest threats to fisheries in the region.

With this need in mind, the Secretariat of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) is working in collaboration with the ACP Fish II Programme, funded by the EU, and the consulting firm – AGRER Grupo Typsa of Brussels, Belgium, to host a regional validation workshop as part of an initiative to provide technical support to produce new prosecution and enforcement manuals for CARIFORUM States.

The event starts with an opening ceremony at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 16, at The Flamboyant Hotel and Villas in St. George’s, Grenada, and runs through to Thursday, October 17.

Grenada’s Minister of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment – Hon. Roland Bhola is scheduled to deliver the feature address at the opening ceremony. Dr. Milton Haughton, Executive Director of the CRFM Secretariat; and Mr. Cajeton Hood, Attorney General, Ministry of Legal Affairs are slated to address the gathering.

Over the course of the two-day workshop which will follow, regional fisheries experts and law enforcement personnel from 15 CARIFORUM States will work towards finalizing two enforcement manuals which address the use of new technology in fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) while expanding on manuals already in use in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).

Those manuals are the OECS Fisheries Prosecution Manual and the OECS Standard Operating Procedure Manual for fisheries surveillance and enforcement, adopted in 1997 for the 9 OECS countries, including the host country – Grenada.


ACP Fish II - CARIFORUM - Enforcement - Video from belizeuser on Vimeo.


The upcoming regional validation workshop is expected to have over 35 participants, including two delegates from each member state – among them key national enforcement training agencies such as police training schools, maritime institutions and regional/international organizations: the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organization, the Regional Security System, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and CARICOM IMPACS -  Implementation Agency for Crime and Security.

The workshop facilitators are Dr. Winston McCalla of Jamaica and Ambassador Daven Joseph of Antigua and Barbuda, who have been visiting the CARIFORUM States and meeting with Fisheries, Coast Guard, Customs, Police and other relevant authorities to gather input for the draft manuals.

At the workshop, drafts of the Prosecution and Enforcement Manuals will be presented to regional fisheries experts and enforcement personnel for refinement, and final drafts should be ready for adoption within two weeks. The manuals will furthermore be translated into Spanish, French and Dutch, for wide circulation across CARIFORUM States.

The Grenada workshop will also provide a forum for participants to map out their logistical, resource and training needs, to ensure that they will be better equipped to help curb IUU fishing.

Finally, the workshop aims to bolster Caribbean-wide cooperation and knowledge sharing among fisheries and enforcement personnel – another essential tool for maximizing the benefits of the new procedural manuals.

This initiative is the last pending project being undertaken by the ACP Fish II Programme titled “Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries,” which aims to contribute positively to poverty alleviation and improved food security in Africa Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States. The ACP Fish II project, which began in 2009, concludes next month, in November 2013.



For more information, please contact:

q  Milton Haughton, Executive Director, CRFM Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

q  Dr. Winston McCalla, Project Team Leader - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 876-999-9639


Links for online information (CLICK LINK TO VIEW):

q  VIDEO: ACP Fish II - CARIFORUM - Enforcement - Video

q  NEWS ITEM: Regional Fisheries Enforcement gets boost from ACP Fish II Initiative


The enforcement of fisheries laws is a major challenge all across the region, but a new initiative funded by the European Union (EU), through the ACP Fish II Programme, promises to ensure that fisheries personnel, police, coast guard and other relevant enforcement authorities will be more adequately equipped to curb practices which threaten to undermine the sustainability of the fisheries sector and food security across the region.

Acting on a recommendation from the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), the ACP Fish II project has commissioned two regional experts: Dr. Winston McCalla of Jamaica and Ambassador Joseph Daven of Antigua, to build on the successes of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) by revamping and expanding two procedural manuals to cater to the demands of a broader regional regime envisioned in the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy.

More specifically, the experts are working with CARIFORUM States to strengthen the capacity of their enforcement officers and agencies to conduct fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) and to enforce fisheries law.

CRFM Executive Director, Milton Haughton, affirmed: "We want to strengthen their capacities so that they are more effective at prosecuting offenses against the Fisheries Act, and there are various types: There are Illegal Unreported and Unregulated activities that's done by local fishers; there are illegal activities that's done by foreign fishers - foreign fishers from within the Caribbean region, as well as foreign fishers from further off - the distant water fishing nations. We want to deal with the problem at all levels; however, a major weakness in the Caribbean region is the fact that our capacity is limited on the enforcement side, and very often offenses are not successful in the courts because the proper procedures are not followed.”

To address this enforcement lacuna, Dr. McCalla is leading the revision of the OECS Fisheries Prosecution Manual and the OECS Standard Operating Procedures Manual, both produced by the OECS in 1997. The draft regional documents—prepared with input from the countries—will be circulated across CARIFORUM States later this month for further feedback.

McCalla explained that “...what is intended is really this: that with the updated manuals, that we would strengthen the training of individuals—there would be common training for persons within the CARIFORUM; countries that have more advanced developments would share that with others—and that the training mechanism will become more consistent throughout the region. So we'd hope that the enforcement mechanisms will be strengthened, because without enforcement the laws become meaningless. And that is the heartland of the project."

Elaborating on the scope of the enforcement project, Haughton said, "It will address the issue of organizing the surveillance system, it will address issues of how you approach a suspect, how you board a vessel, how you record your information, how you collect your evidence, how you secure your evidence, how you keep your records and so on. It will cover everything, right through to action at the court level."

Belize is one of the CARIFORUM States that will benefit from the ACP Fish II project to upgrade and expand the prosecution manuals. Hampton Gamboa, supervisor of the Conservation Compliance Unit of the Belize Fisheries Department, sees this initiative as timely, since Belize is launching into cutting-edge surveillance technology with the planned introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles called conservation drones.

"I believe that the drone itself will assist us in doing a lot of what is required within the enforcement manual and definitely, again, it will offset a lot of the expense from an administrative point of view and also the manual itself is one that will have us to be more vigilant—it will assist us in being more vigilant—it will assist us in having much more presence, in terms of once we strategise the different areas—problematic areas—and we execute in terms of how the manual has been put together, it will definitely help us in curbing a lot of the illegal activity. And once we incorporate both the manuals and the drones together, we believe that within the next two years, three years, we'll see some tremendous growth in terms of enforcement as well as holding people accountable—especially those who refuse to accept that the seasons are closed and are out doing illegal activities. I must say it's a welcome approach for us, and at the same time it helps us to strengthen what we have in place here in Belize."

The ACP Fish II Programme, in operation since 2009, is nearing completion, and it expects to have 193 projects—including this latest effort to boost the region's enforcement capacity—implemented before the end of November 2013.

Of note is that the revised draft manuals will be further refined at a validation workshop which is scheduled to be held on 16-17 October 2013 in Grenada. The CARIFORUM States are expected to be in full attendance.


- END -



For further information please contact:


Milton Haughton, Executive Director, CRFM Secretariat;

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; Telephone: 011 (501) 223-4443 / Fax: 011 (501) 223-4446


Sandra Grant, Regional Manager of the Caribbean, ACP FISH II Programme;

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; Telephone: 011 (501) 223 2974/ Fax: 011 (501) 223 2975



For further information on the ACP FISH II Programme, please visit: http://www.acpfish2-eu.org

ACP Fish II - CARIFORUM - Enforcement - Video from belizeuser on Vimeo.

Friday, 23 August 2013 02:34

Queen Conch Underwater Survey

A group of thirteen (13) resource managers and fishers are meeting in St. Vincent and the Grenadines to engage in a Training of Trainers workshop, focused on underwater visual census techniques for the queen conch or lambi (Strombus gigas).

The queen conch is an iconic part of Caribbean culture as well as a valuable fisheries resource; yet, many countries do not have the knowledge to conduct surveys to ensure the sustainability of their populations.

This is especially true in those countries where the fishery is still small-scale, with the possible exceptions of Jamaica, Belize and to certain extent The Bahamas and Dominican Republic, where the conch fishery is a well established commercial business. Accordingly, many fishery managers in the CARIFORUM region are forced to make management decisions based on minimal amounts of information.

The training—which began on August 6 and concludes tomorrow, August 24, 2013—addresses the critical lack of training capacity for those fisheries managers.

CRFM’s Deputy Executive Director, Susan Singh-Renton, remarked that, “This training opportunity has addressed a key step in CRFM’s ongoing efforts to improve management of the region’s queen conch fisheries through development of a much needed, stronger, scientific approach.”

She went on to explain that, “The CRFM is paying special attention to the queen conch fishery resource because of its contribution to foreign exchange earnings for the countries concerned, and related to this, international interest in Caribbean queen conch management and conservation practices.”

Trainees represent the following CARIFORUM member states: Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Belize, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The training is divided into two phases: In the first phase, key experts conducted classroom training activities in Kingstown, St. Vincent, by presenting information to the group on the biology and management of conch, as well as survey techniques related to data collection, data analyses. The second phase of the program consists of 9 days of field activities in the Grenadines, in an area of approximately 248km2 around the Tobago Keys, Mayreau and Union Island. This location represents one of the most important conch fishing areas in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The field activities consist of estimating conch abundance using underwater visual census techniques using scuba divers, and by using towed underwater cameras. The trainees participated in all phases of these activities.

After the conclusion of the field surveys, the group reconvened in St. Vincent to analyze the data, make management recommendations based on the surveys, and create conch assessment plans for their own countries.

The entire process is focused on building the capacity for each nation to develop their own sampling programs and subsequently set quota recommendations for conch harvests.

This project was made possible with the support of the European Development Fund on behalf of ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of states) countries that created the ACP Fish II programme, which aims to improve sustainable fisheries management under their jurisdiction.

ACP Fish II provides benefits to The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism with this project entitled “Training in underwater visual survey methods for evaluating the status of Strombus gigas, queen conch stocks”. The project was implemented by the consulting firm Société Française de Réalisation d’Études et de Conseil (SOFRECO), in coordination with the CRFM.


The ACP Fish II Programme is a four and a half year, EUR€30.0M programme funded by the European Union through the EDF. It has been formulated to strengthen fisheries management, improve food security and alleviate poverty in 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states.

“The cornerstone of the Programme is devising sound policies and plans to ensure sustainable use of fisheries and the development of value-added activities. Therefore, in addition to improving plans and policies at the regional and national levels, ACP Fish II Programme will also see results such as reinforcing the Region’s control and enforcement capabilities; reinforcing research strategies and initiatives as well as developing business supportive regulatory framework and increasing knowledge sharing at all levels in the sector,” advised Dr Sandra Grant, Regional Programme Manager for the Caribbean of the ACP Fish 11 Programme.

The European Union is made up of 27 Member States which have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The EU is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders. The European Commission is the EU’s executive body.


Full coverage is welcomed.

For further information please contact:

ACP Fish II Programme Regional Manager for the Caribbean Region, Sandra Grant;
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;Telephone: 011(501) 223 2974; Fax: 011(501) 223 2975

CRFM : Susan Singh-Renton, DPhil., Deputy Executive Director, CRFM Secretariat,Kingstown,
St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Tel: +1 784 457 FISH; Fax: +1 784 457 3475; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Coordinator in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines : Sherrill Barnwell ; Telephone: 1(876) 927 1731

For further information on the ACP Fish II Programme, please visit: http://www.acpfish2-eu.org

Supports Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP) Ratification

The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) recently started a project to design and carry out a public awareness campaign supporting ratification of the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP), a regional treaty on conservation, management and sustainable utilisation of the region's fisheries resources.

The CCCFP has been approved at virtually every level of government in the affected nations, with the exception of the Head-of-State level. All that remains to do is having the policy approved and signed by at least eight CARICOM heads of state.

Who stands to benefit from the CCCFP’s projected closer cooperation among CARICOM Member States? All Caribbean citizens can partake of social and economic improvements in the livelihood and welfare of fishers, employment and income generation, food security and nutrition needs, and research to support marketing, trade and aquaculture.

All Caribbean peoples share a common link to the resource—the fishery—as well as a shared responsibility to protect and conserve fish stocks and ecosystems from degradation due to irresponsible fishing, pollution, habitat degradation and climate change. We all can move together toward securing a brighter, more prosperous future and sustainable fisheries through ratification and implementation of the treaty.

The CCCFP awareness project is funded by the ACP Fish II Programme, a European Union funded initiative. Representatives of PBLH International Consulting (Brussels) and SOJE Lonsdale (Barbados) are engaged on the project. Direct beneficiary countries are Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, The Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.

For further information please visit our website at www.crfm.net or www.crfm.int

BELIZE CITY, BELIZE -- Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fisheries stakeholders in Member States of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) will have the opportunity for stronger dialogue, under a newly initiated, regional project which aims to tangibly fortify their capacity to contribute to the development of policy directed at improving fisheries earnings and raising the standards of living of fisher folk.

The CRFM had approached the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Co-operation ACP-EU (CTA) a few months ago, for support to implement the new CRFM Communication Strategy, which seeks to increase the use of information and communication technology to, among other things, boost efficiency and productivity in the fisheries sector.

In line with that request, the CTA has awarded a Euro 84,817 (USD112,480) contract to the CRFM. The one-year agreement provides for policy dialogue on fisheries issues in the Caribbean through the use of online knowledge platform.

CRFM Executive Director Milton Haughton signed for the Caribbean organisation, while CTA Director Michael Hailu signed on behalf of the donor.

In inking the agreement, CRFM and the CTA acknowledged that there is the need for further discussion beyond face-to-face meetings on Blue economic issues – exploring ways to bring abundance to the region out of existing resources.

However, they noted, launching an electronic policy dialogue of this nature is a challenge, and therefore, stakeholders will be encouraged to make use of online media, including e-mail, to animate the policy dialogue.

The project will, more specifically, give attention to the need for enhancing the limited communication and advocacy skills of fisher folk and other stakeholders.

A two-day meeting will engage stakeholders in the use of Dgroups, the starting point for groups and communities in international development. Electronic discourse through the use of Web 2.0 tools and social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter, will also be promoted as a means of further advancing stakeholder dialogue across virtual space.

The electronic discourse will feed into key stakeholder documents to be presented to Caribbean policy makers.

The CRFM-CTA agreement specifies that this new project forms part of a broader sub-project to support the continued policy dialogue on issues raised in the Brussels Briefing on Small island economies held in April 2012.

Fourteen Caribbean countries will directly benefit from the project, since all CRFM members—except for Anguilla, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands—are also ACP participating states.

Fisheries policy makers, Caribbean fisher folk, fisher folk organisations in the region, Fisheries Departments and Divisions are among those who the project aims to target.

The CRFM-CTA initiative is expected to bolster the institutional capacities of the CRFM and other beneficiaries at the regional, national and community levels.

The CTA is also supporting a regional project to develop the Caribbean Network of Fisher Folk Organisations.

BELIZE CITY, BELIZE; Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 

The recently appointed chairman of the Ministerial Council of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), Barbados Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management, Dr. David Estwick, has urged fellow Caribbean ministers to place special emphasis on the implementation of policies and recommendations coming out of the 7th Ministerial Council of the CRFM, held at the end of May in Barbados.

“An area where focus is definitely needed is the implementation of policies and recommendations in a much more timely manner. We have seen tardiness to this end in the implementation of policy decisions from the Ministerial Council. One such policy that readily comes to mind is the Castries Declaration in Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated [IUU] fishing and the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy,” said Estwick.

He went on to emphasize that effort must be placed on implementation if sustainable development, and the conservation and management of fisheries resources are to be achieved.

“Implementation will definitely encourage change—even though change may be unsettling to some,” Minister Estwick, the chair of the CRFM Ministerial Council, said.

On Friday, May 31, Estwick assumed the chairmanship of the CRFM Ministerial Council from V. Alfred Gray, Bahamas Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Local Government, who noted that, “The Ministerial Council has a critical role to play in shaping the direction of this organization as a whole, not just in terms of decision-making… but to ensure that our various countries’ directorates are fully aware of the importance of this organization and that we do, as ministers, all that we can to be steadfast advocates, as we seek to strengthen the organization and the processes which would lead to successes of our various countries’ efforts.”
The Ministerial Council charts the policies of the CRFM. It is also responsible for providing leadership to the organization in the areas of research; fisheries management and conservation; approval of strategic plans, and policy positions, work plans and budgets, as well as fisheries cooperative agreements, and donor projects.

The recently concluded meeting approved an unprecedented number of regional policy documents aimed at improving conservation, protection and sustainable use of the region’s fisheries.

The Ministers endorsed the CRFM’s Second Strategic Plan (2013-2021), which was prepared after extensive consultations with stakeholders and member states. The new plan follows a comprehensive review of the CRFM by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) experts, and it is the first such review undertaken since the CRFM’s inception in 2002.

The Ministers have also endorsed a regional strategy and action plan to address climate change and disaster risk management in fisheries and aquaculture.

CRFM’s Executive Director, Milton Haughton, noted that, “The negative effects of climate change and climate variability on marine ecosystems and fisherfolk in coastal communities are already evident, and according to the experts, the situation will probably only get worse in the coming years.”

The experts say that the past decade has been the warmest on record and the cost of damage caused by extreme weather events is rising, Haughton said, cautioning that the region will become more vulnerable in the future.

“Our fishers, our fish farmers and our fishing communities, particularly those in the coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to disasters arising from numerous natural and manmade threats, including the recurrent tropical storms and hurricanes during the hurricane season,” he added.

Haughton said that the CRFM was able to secure technical assistance from the FAO for the development of a regional strategy and action plan, and a project proposal for disaster risk adaptation, which the Ministerial Council also endorsed.

“This,” said Haughton, “will pave the way for climate-proofing and protecting the vulnerable fishing communicates and their livelihoods, and to build ecosystem resilience into our fish and aquaculture management policies at the national and local levels.”

The Ministers also endorsed the CRFM’s new Information and Communications Strategy, which was formulated through funding and technical assistance by the ACP Fish II initiative. Haughton said that not only has the CRFM been able to launch its new website (www.crfm.net), but it has also been able to effect a strategic shift in the use of modern ICT tools to facilitate greater collaboration via the Internet and the greater sharing of data and information, which means major cost savings for CRFM and its partners across the region.

In addition to endorsing these initiatives, the Ministerial Council also put its stamp of approval on the Regional Lionfish Strategy.

“We’ve begun the discussion to ensure that the lionfish, which is said to be an invasive species, becomes a part of our delicacy – our cuisine – and so I am told that those who have eaten it already find it very pleasant on the palate. And I think we’ve got to change the paradigm to ensure that instead of us trying to kill them out, we eat them out. And if we can do that as a region, perhaps it might not be such a bad thing after all.”

Another major development which took place at the recent ministerial meeting is the endorsement of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) Project Strategic Action Program, a 4-year project funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF).

Video clip available at: http://youtu.be/G2tD1iL0hz4

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National and regional fish experts from across the Caribbean are meeting in St. Vincent and the Grenadines this week for the 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, organized and sponsored by the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM).

The group—which is meeting in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines this week, until Friday, June 14—is currently engaged in working group meetings to conduct scientific data analyses for providing advice to the region’s fishery managers, to review fisheries management progress and ongoing challenges, and to identify priorities for advancing statistical and other scientific approaches required to support new and emerging management needs of major fisheries within the CRFM membership and the Wider Caribbean.

During this 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, national fisheries reports from CRFM member states—which provide details on production data and the fishing fleet—are also being presented.

As in previous years, the scientific meeting information enables fisheries managers to understand more about the status of key commercially important fisheries across the region, and required management actions to ensure sustainability and continued profitability of the industry.

Regional conservation and management plans for the billfish and the blackfin tuna, respectively, as well as the proposed regional lionfish control strategy are among the items which are being discussed by the fisheries experts.

Central to the new approaches being integrated in fisheries management strategies across the region are the precautionary and ecosystem-based approaches to management, which is also giving consideration to the realities imposed by global environmental change, and particularly climate change. The shift in strategic planning also necessitates a renewed focus on disaster risk management, especially in light of the known vulnerability of fishers and fishing communities in many Caribbean states to the damaging impacts of hurricanes.

The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), in collaboration with the ACP Fish II Programme, continues its efforts to boost fisheries management in the Caribbean. In an attempt to increase project monitoring and evaluation at the regional level, St. Vincent and Grenadines hosted a CRFM / ACP Fish II Regional Validation Workshop: Review of queen conch management options. Participants from fisheries administrations of 15 CARIFORUM countries and the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) attended.

The 3-day regional validation workshop was held from June 6 – 8 at the Methodist Hall, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The objectives of the workshop were to (i) review, discuss and endorse documents related to the status of queen conch management in the region and the synthesis report on standardized scientific approaches for assessment of queen conch; and (ii) review and finalize the Regional Management Options Paper for queen conch.

The Regional Management Option Paper was developed from the results of the field missions to The Bahamas, Belize, Dominican Republic and Grenada, and regional analyses, covering other countries with important conch fisheries and distinctive management systems.

The workshop forms part of a larger global Programme to strengthen fisheries management, improve food security and alleviate poverty in 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) member states. “The ACP Fish II Programme is a four-and-a-half year, EUR 30.0 million programme funded by the European Union. It has been formulated to design and develop planning and management capacities in ACP countries,” indicated Sandra Grant, ACP Fish II Programme Regional Manager for the Caribbean.

The offices of the Caribbean node of the ACP Fish II Programme are located in the office premises of the CRFM Secretariat’s headquarters in Belize. This was strategically located there to facilitate closer linkages and easier access and collaboration with CRFM Member States, through the CRFM Secretariat. Over EUR 3.3 million has been allocated to implement 34 national and regional fisheries and aquaculture projects in the Caribbean Region. Through close collaboration with the CRFM Secretariat, to date, 16 of these projects have been completed, including aquaculture development strategies for three countries and fisheries and aquaculture policies and action plans for four countries. At the regional level a study to assess the status of monitoring, control, and surveillance and IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fishing in CARIFORUM countries was undertaken. The Programme also seeks to build the capacity of national and regional fisher folk organizations by providing training in the ecosystem approach to fisheries management, climate change, and business management.

Policymakers aim to boost standard of living of fisherfolk, particularly in small-scale fisheries


/ Belize City, Wednesday, May 29, 2013

/ The Seventh Meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) opens at 9:00 a.m. this Friday, May 31, 2013, at the Accra Beach Hotel and Spa in Rockley, Christ Church, Barbados.
Participation will be drawn from The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Turks and Caicos Islands, which are all Member States of the CRFM.
At the upcoming Ministerial Council meeting, Fisheries Ministers from CRFM Member States and their advisors will receive an update on the progress of work activities being undertaken by the CRFM Secretariat, Member States and network partners, and provide them with policy guidance on programmes and plans for the development and management of fisheries and aquaculture. They will also approve a number of regional policy and strategic documents aimed at strengthening governance arrangements, conservation and sustainable development of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the region.

According to the CRFM Executive Director, Milton Haughton, “This is a very important meeting in terms of forging a new strategic direction for the fisheries sector. The Council will consider a number of coordinated initiatives aimed at progressively improving: (i) the standard of living of our fisherfolk, particularly those in the small-scale fisheries sector; (ii) the region’s food security, by providing consumers in the region with adequate supplies of safe and affordably priced fish and seafood; and (iii) the frameworks to protect and conserve the fish stocks and associated ecosystems from overexploitation and degradation due to pollution and other human activities.”

The Council is expected to endorse the new CRFM Strategic Plan (2013–2021); the Regional Strategy, Action Plan and Proposal for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries; the Regional Manual and Strategy to Control the Lionfish Invasion; the CRFM Communication and Information Technology Strategy; and the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Strategic Action Programme. It will also be asked to support the efforts of the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organizations (CNFO), as they strive for greater participation in the decision-making process.
Updates will also be provided on the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy; the implementation of the Castries (St. Lucia) Declaration on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing; progress in aquaculture; and the latest developments in CITES and in the USA as they relate to Queen Conch conservation and the petition for listing as an endangered species.
The CRFM Ministerial Council is the arm of the CRFM which charts the policies of the regional fisheries organization. The Council is also responsible for providing leadership to the CRFM in the areas of research; fisheries management and conservation; approval of strategic plans and policy positions; work plans and budgets; fisheries cooperative agreements; and donor projects.

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