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Wednesday, 17 July 2013 15:36

Preliminary List of Events Featured

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Date Event Location
1-3 May Visit of Prof Gullett- Public Lecturer- maritime boundary deligation Belize City
May ACP Fish II Development of Fisheries Act- The Bahamas The Bahamas
17-18 May Summit of Caribbean Political and Business Leaders- TNC British Virgin Island
20-24 May FAO Technical Consultation of SSF Rome
22 May to 19 July IOI Training Programme on Ocean Governance: Policy, Law and Management Delhousie University, Halifax, Canada
29-31 May Regional Workshop on Climate Services Trinidad & Tobago
31 May Seventh Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Meeting Barbados
3-5 June  FAO Fisheries Co-anagement Workshop  St. Kitts and Nevis
3-7 June Caribbean Studies Association Environment and Sustainability Strand for CSA Annual Conference in Grenada, 3-7 June. (Nicholas Watts, London) Grenada
6-8 June ACP Fish II Regional Validation Workshop on Conch Assessment St. Vincent
10-14 June Annual Scientific Meeting St. Vincent
11-13 June Kick-off Meeting for the Inter-LME-DIMG Data and Information Management Working Group Buenas Aires, Argentina
17-18 June OECS SPS Workshop St. Kitts/Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis
20-21 June OECS SPS Workshop St. Kitts/Nevis Grenada
19-21 June FAO Regional Awareness Workshop on Voluntary Guideline for Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries Forestry Guyana
 13 June ACP Fish II National Validation Workshop on Fisheries Management Plans  Guyana
 27 June ACP Fish II National Validation Workshop on Fisheries Management Plans  Suriname
3 July ACP Policy Briefing (topic Aquaculture Brussels
2 - 4 July Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States Jamaica
5 & 8 July ACP Fish II National Validation Workshop on Fisheries Management Plan Trinidad and Tobago
10 - 11 July Workshop on First Ciguatoxic Risk Assessment in Lionfish (Pterois volitans) in the Guadeloupean archipelago and Commercial Prefiguration in the FWI Guadeloupe
16 July 16th CARICOM-Japan Consultation Guyana
17-26 July Inception Mission of Key Experts on CFP Awareness Programme Belize
22 - 23 July 7th CARICOM-United Nations General Meeting New York
29 July SG Heads of CARICOM Institutions Meeting Guyana
30-31 July 5th Meeting of the Consultative Committee on Technical Cooperation and 3rd High Level Forum on Donor Coordination Guyana
July ACP Fish II Update fisheries regulations - Belize  Belize
August CRFM/WECAFC Working Group on Flyfish (electronic meeting)  
6-25 August ACP Fish II Queen Conch Visual Survey Training Workshop St. Vincent and the Grenadines
13-16 August ACP Fish II Expert Working Group on MCS Belize
19-22 August Inception Workshop of the Caribbean Fisherfolk Action Learning Group T&T
August 29 - 30  Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics Workshop Chile
 August 31 Caribbean and Latin American Aquaculture Chile
August CRFM/WECAFC Working Group on Flyingfish (Electronic Meeting)  
 16 - 18 September INFOPESCA Tilapia Conference Rio de Janiero
17-18 September Meeting of Regional Stakeholders to discuss the 11th EDF Regional Indicative Program (RIP) Guyana
24 Sept. - 4 Oct. Annual Meeting of ICCAT Standing Committee on Research and Statistics Madrid Spain
Sept. 2013 - Mar. 2014 UNU - Fisheries Training Programme (6 month course) Iceland
September Inception meeting for the project titled"Sustainable Management of by-catch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl fisheries (REBYC-II LAC) To be determined
September Preparation of legal framework for inland fisheries in Guyana (TCP/GUY/3401) Guyana
September CRFM Executive Committee Meeting  
4 - 12 October Caribbean Week of Agriculture Guyana
10 October Third Sub-Committee Meeting on Flyingfish Guyana
10 October Fourth Special Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council Guyana
 7-8 October CRFM / CTA Fisheries Workshop Guyana
14 - 18 October LEK-EAF Workshop Panama
16-18 October ACP Fish II Validation Workshop on Draft Updated Prosecution Manual Grenada
21 - 25 October ACP Fish II Final Programme Monitoring Workshop The Bahamas
24-25 October 6th ACP Fish II Steering Committee Meeting The Bahamas
25 October ACP Roundtable Meeting (Topic to be determined), Reception & Closing The Bahamas
29 - 31 October CFMC/WECAFC/OSPESCA/CRFM Working Group on Spawning Aggregations Miami
29-31 October WECAFC Spiny Lobster Workshop Miami
4-8 November 66th GCFI Conference Corpus Christi, USA
9? 6th WECAFC Scientific Advisory Group Session Miami
18 - 25 November 23rd Regular Meeting of ICCAT Cape Town, South Africa
  COPESCAALC Session Argentina
  ACP Fish II final Steering Committee Meeting Belgium
To be determined Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics Workshop Chile
2-6 December CRFM/JICA CARIFICO Project Workshop St. Vincent & the Grenadines
  CRFM Executive Committee Meeting To be determined
Read 57658 times Last modified on Friday, 30 August 2013 14:26
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