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CRFM Secretariat, Belize City, Wed. 25 June 2014—The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Secretariat in Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines, hosted the 10th Annual Scientific Meeting from June 10 to 17, 2014. Thirteen CRFM Member States: Anguilla, Belize, Grenada, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, The Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos Islands, participated in this year’s meeting.

photo 2The meeting benefitted from technical support provided by Professor John Hoenig, Consultant, Professor of Marine Science at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science; Nancie Cummings, Fisheries Expert at US National Marine Fisheries Service; Professor Hazel Oxenford from the Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies, UWI, Cave Hill campus; and Dr. Paul Medley, International Fisheries Consultant from the UK.

In its efforts to build the Caribbean's capacity for the statistical analysis of fisheries data, so as to improve on the information base available for informed fisheries management decisions, the Secretariat facilitated training for twelve persons under the activities of the CRFM Data, Methods and Training Working Group. This Working Group initiated efforts to identify and agree upon the ten most important commercial fisheries in the region to be analysed or assessed in the future, and for which the management performance will be monitored and evaluated on a regular basis.

The group also committed to updating national fisheries sampling plans to improve the quality of the data available for fisheries analyses and stock assessments in the coming years, and provided recommendations for further training and use of available ICT tools to share information on best practises in the use of statistical software for fisheries analyses.

Under the auspices of the Pelagic Fisheries and Reef and Slope Fisheries Working Groups, data were analysed for the scad fishery in Dominica, the dolphinfish fishery in St Lucia, the large pelagic fishery in Grenada and St Vincent and the Grenadines, the pelagic fishery in St Kitts and Nevis, the longline fishery in Trinidad and Tobago, the reef fishery in Anguilla, the needlefish fishery in Montserrat, the mutton snapper fishery in Belize, and the Queen Conch fishery in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

The Reef and Slope Fisheries Working Group also developed specific weight conversion factors for the Queen Conch in Belize and the Bahamas, to fulfil trade requirements under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The Working Group intends to conduct further analyses in the inter-sessional period. It also reviewed and endorsed the 2013 assessment of the Pedro Bank (Jamaica) Queen Conch fishery and the respective, estimated total allowable catch, and it provided scientific inputs to a proposed draft regional declaration for the management, conservation and sustainable use of the spiny lobster.

photo 1Fisheries Working Group reviewed and endorsed the rules developed for management of the Guyana seabob fishery. The group considered specific measures to improve data collection and monitoring of the fishery, as well as to address issues of by-catch in trawl gear.

In support of Guyana’s attempts to boost trade through ‘sustainable fishery certification’ by the Marine Stewardship Council, the Continental Shelf 

Data collection, quality control, data preparation for analysis, and analytical methods were the general areas highlighted for attention during the inter-sessional period. Specific priority areas include improving the quality of regional data for the blackfin tuna, in support of the CRFM’s contribution to the 2015 stock assessment to be conducted by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas; improving data collection systems to facilitate the implementation of the Sub-regional Fisheries Management Plan for the Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish endorsed by the CRFM Ministerial Council on 23 May 2014; developing a data collection and information system for fisheries which use fish aggregating devices; and collecting and analysing data on the lionfish. Training of data collectors, improvements in national data collection programmes and stakeholder awareness building on the importance of data collection were other critical areas identified for attention.

Regional scientists, following the intensive one-week period, returned to their respective countries with a renewed sense of commitment and dedication to begin work during the inter-sessional period in preparation for next year’s scientific meeting. In keeping with international best practice, the outputs of the meeting will be posted on the CRFM’s website (www.crfm.int) and shared nationally and regionally with a range of stakeholders, including decision makers associated with the fishing industry.

photo 4

ROSEAU, Dominica, May 24 (CRFM)--Caribbean fisheries ministers have agreed on an urgent action plan by CARICOM’s Climate Change and Fisheries agencies to save Caribbean coral reefs – worth an estimated five billion dollars – in a bid to stem more than 100 million dollars in annual losses to the region's economy.

The ministers and officials on the Ministerial Council of the 17-nation Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) on Friday, May 23, 2014, endorsed a Regional Coral Reef Plan of Action at the council’s eighth meeting held here at the Fort Young Hotel.

diversMore than three-quarters of Caribbean coral reefs are either severely stressed or are close to dying, due to local threats, including pollution and sediment runoff, which make them less resilient to climate change and warming waters.

Research indicates that failure to reverse the current trend will lead to annual losses of US$95 - $140 million as more reefs lose the battle to provide a home for fisheries to spawn, protect shores from waves and storm surges, and provide tourist attractions.

It is estimated that the Caribbean’s coral reefs offer the region benefits totalling US$3.1 - $4.6 billion dollars annually.

star fishThe aim of the plan is to strengthen coordinated action to protect, conserve and manage the region’s important ecosystems, said CRFM’s executive director Milton Haughton.

Haughton told ministers and other senior government representatives from Anguilla, Barbados, St. Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and host country Dominica, that healthy coral reef ecosystems are critical to both the tourism and fisheries sectors and by extension, the livelihoods and well-being of coastal Caribbean communities and societies.

The preparation of the Regional Plan of Action was coordinated by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, with funding and technical assistance provided by the Government of Australia and Australian Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

Speaking ahead of the signing of the plan of action by Chairman of the Belize-based CRFM, Haughton said: “The overall intention of these initiatives is to ensure that the living marine resources of the region are managed and protected in such a way that they are able to make optimum sustainable contribution to the region’s economic and social development.”

Speaking at the signing, Lydia Bezeruk, First Secretary in Development Cooperation with the Trinidad-based Australian High Commission, stressed the importance of engaging stakeholders and primary users of the reef.

“It is very difficult to convince someone who has responsibility for family, who may be poor, that it’s better to save something for the future,” she said. “So it’s really a case of trying to bring about the awareness and education but also providing them with alternative livelihoods. That was a particular strategy noted in the plan as well.”

The next stage of the plan is execution and Mr. Haughton said the current challenge is funding and capacity for implementation.

“The regional Climate Change Centre has been engaged with the Germans and we’re hoping to get some initial seed funding from them to begin implementing some aspects of this plan,” he said.

Immediate past chairman of the Ministerial Council, Barbados’ Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Water Resource Management, Dr. David Estwick, suggested that the CRFM needs to reposition itself in order to cushion the impact of the current economic crisis facing the Caribbean.

“The challenge to the CRFM is to make sure it adapts to its present environment in order to succeed,” he said. “This will require thinking outside the box and hence adapting to this new environment will require change in the present structure and processes in order to be successful.”

Estwick suggested that the organisation embraces current technology to cut down on the cost of communications, build and reinforce partnerships, form and develop new linkages, source more funding for training, develop appropriate infrastructures, be more flexible, act as a change agent and be part of the decision-making process.

Dominica’s Minister of the Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries, Dr. Kenneth Darroux, who has succeeded Dr. Estwick as chair of the CRFM Ministerial Council, lauded the CRFM for its work.

“I must commend the CRFM Secretariat for doing a tremendous job,” he said.

 (Photos of divers and starfish courtesy ACP Fish II)

BELIZE CITY, BELIZE, MAY 24 (CRFM)--A historic Flying Fish Fisheries Policy has been endorsed by the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism’s (CRFM) Ministerial Council.

The Sub-Regional Fishery Management Plan for the Eastern Caribbean Flying Fish Fishery was approved at the council’s just concluded eighth meeting held at the Fort Young Hotel in Roseau, Dominica.

The CRFM’s Executive Director Milton Haughton (photo below) says it is the first time the Caribbean has approved a joint management plan for the shared resource. 

Milton Haughton Executive Director CRFM Secretariat“This is a significant development because this is the way we need to go in order to strengthen the governance arrangements for the shared resources, so this is a first step,” he said.

Haughton says the plan is necessary for the entire region but particularly Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Dominica, which depend on the marine resource.

“Flying fish is shared by these countries. Six CARICOM states, plus the French Department of Martinique, exploit the flying fish at this time. These countries need to come together and together decide on the measures that they would put in place to ensure sustainable utilization, proper management and conservation of this fishery,” he added.

Haughton said this is important so that fishermen can have decent livelihoods, and ensure optimum production for food security and external trade.

Meanwhile, immediate past chairman of the Ministerial Council, Barbados’ Minister of Agriculture, Dr. David Estwick, says a pending fishing agreement between Barbados and Trinidad is being considered by the Barbados’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He explained that because it is a foreign trade issue, the agreement does not lie with his ministry.

“I believe very strongly that the interaction of the various ministers of fisheries [should] allow, therefore, a portal through which you can get into the cabinet and get up to the Prime Ministers, but that is not the way it is structured,” he said.

Dr. Estwick continued: “Within the exclusive economic zone and given that we don’t have the classical 200-mile space sometimes delimiting both countries, I really believe that at the ministerial level, that level of minister-to-minister discussion could resolve a whole lot of this set of delimitations and set the environment for truly having access to the marine space and the resources within that marine space without forming encumbrances.”

Haughton says that with the Sub-Regional Fishery Management Plan for the Eastern Caribbean Flying Fish Fishery now endorsed at the council level, the next step is implementation.

The management plan for the flying fish was prepared with the assistance of FAO/WECAFC, the CLME Project and CERMES-UWI.


Thursday, 22 May 2014 12:33

Fisheries ministers to meet in Dominica

BELIZE CITY, BELIZE, Thursday, May 22, 2014 (CRFM)--Fisheries ministers from member states of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) will meet at Fort Young Hotel, in Roseau, Dominica, on Friday, May 23, 2014, for the Eight Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council.


According to CRFM's Executive Director, Milton Haughton, the first sub-regional fisheries management plan (FMP) to facilitate co-operation in the conservation, management and sustainable use of the flying fish resources shared among countries in the Eastern Caribbean, recently endorsed by the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, will be presented to the ministers for their review and endorsement. It is anticipated that the Council will sign an accompanying resolution approving the Plan.


The meeting is also expected to approve a Regional Coral Reef Plan of Action aimed at strengthening coordinated action to protect, conserve and manage these important ecosystems and secure their contribution to the regional development. Healthy coral reef ecosystems and their fisheries are central to the health of the Caribbean Sea and the wellbeing of coastal communities and Caribbean societies. The preparation of the Regional Plan of Action was coordinated by the Climate Change Centre with funding and technical assistance provided by the Government of Australia and Australian Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.


It is also anticipated that the meeting will serve as a vital forum to promote the signing of the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy by Heads of Government of Caribbean member states.


The ministers will also be updated on the progress of technical activities being undertaken by the CRFM (the Secretariat, member states and network partners) and provide guidance on the way forward in coordinating the CRFM’s work in the region. They will discuss progress on initiatives to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the region and provide further direction to the countries and regional institutions to intensify efforts in this critical area.


The ministerial meeting’s agenda also calls for a look at the sustainable use and management of key fisheries resources in the region, as well as fisheries policy, legislation and institutional development. Ministers will also review current activities being undertaken through the CRFM's Statistics and Information Programme, as well as human resource development and capacity-building activities. Finally, the Caribbean fisheries ministers will receive an update on projects and activities of strategic partners, as well as the CRFM's work plan and budget for 2014-2016.



Friday, July 20, 2012—In an effort to advance best practices in fisheries management and development across the wider Caribbean, fisheries officials from 6 member countries of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) will converge for a special technical meeting at the Conference Room of the Fisheries Division in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, from Wednesday, July 25, to Friday, July 27, 2012.

                The meeting will be facilitated by the CRFM Secretariat and experts of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The first ‘Good Practices’ workshop held in February focused on fish quality assurance and the marketing of fish and fish products.

                “This second JICA/CRFM Good Practices Workshop will serve to bring together some of the key stakeholders and partners in the fisheries sector of the region to share experiences, success stories and lessons learned in some of the critical areas for sustainable fisheries development,” said Terrence Phillips, Programme Manager, Fisheries Management and Development CRFM Secretariat, and CRFM’s coordinator for the workshop.

                Nariaki Mikuni, JICA’s Senior Fisheries Expert, Latin America and the Caribbean Department and JICA’s coordinator for the Workshop, said that the goal of fisheries management and development is to ensure both profitability and sustainability. The purpose of Japan’s collaboration, Mikunu said, is to improve fisheries infrastructure and technology in the region to help achieve this end.

                During the three-day workshop, senior fisheries officers, as well as fisherfolk leaders from Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines will explore modern principles and best practices for fisheries management.

                Prior to the workshop, country representatives were asked to prepare case studies highlighting best practices in their country. For example, Dominica will present its work to improve management of the pelagic fishery using the fish aggregating device (FAD), as well as the pot fishery, including efforts to reduce ghost fishing or the accidental capture of fish by non-selective gear. The St. Lucian participant will present on the Soufriere Marine Management Area (SMMA) as a model for integrated coastal management approaches. Participants will also hear from Dr. Yugraj Singh Yadava, Director of the Bay of Bengal Programme (India), about the lessons learned from the promotion of fisheries co-management in the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem.

                “These case studies should contribute to improving knowledge and fostering greater collaboration among the stakeholders in the conservation and co-management of important fisheries at the local, national and regional levels,” Phillips commented.

                Apart from coming up with best practices that will be shared regionally with other CRFM, CARICOM and CARIFORUM member states, the participating countries are also expected to outline strategies for the formulation and implementation of action plans to improve the management and long-term sustainable use of their respective fisheries and marine ecosystems.


Saturday, 05 April 2014 23:44

Caribbean leaders sharpen fisheries focus

Wednesday, June 21, 2012 --Member countries of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) now have a more focused agenda for improving sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, coming out of the 6th Meeting of the CRFM’s Ministerial Council, hosted on Friday, June 15, in Nassau, The Bahamas.


Outgoing chairman of the Ministerial Council, Minister Hilston Baptiste of Antigua and Barbuda, urged the incoming chairman to provide strong and decisive leadership so that the CRFM would remain relevant to the needs of the region.


“If we are to continue to benefit from the resources of the sea, we have an imperative to do all in our power to protect our resources for the many livelihoods which depend on them,” said the new chairman of the CRFM Ministerial Council, Hon. V. Alfred Gray, recently appointed Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Local Government in The Bahamas. In his opening address, Minister Gray noted that fisheries contributes 2% of the Bahamas' national GDP, employs more than 12,000 Bahamians, with lobster alone generating more than US$75 million in export earnings each year.


CRFM Executive Director Milton Haughton, who has worked in fisheries management for over 25 years, noted the results of numerous studies that have confirmed the health benefits of eating fish each week. He pointed to brain development in children and brain health in adults; as well as a lower risk of asthma, dementia, depression and inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, stroke and heart disease.


During their daylong deliberation, Ministerial Council members reiterated their commitment to regional cooperation, and enhancing the role of the CRFM Secretariat and the operation of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, made up of Chief Fisheries Officers and Director of Fisheries. They also thanked FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) for agreeing to assist with a performance review of the CRFM, and a new Strategic Plan to guide the work of the organization for the next 10 years.


Highlighted were the need for coordinated regional action to control the negative impact of the invasive lionfish on marine ecosystems and fish stocks; and the negative impact of unprecedented large quantities of Sargassum seaweed that inundated the waters and coastline of the Eastern Caribbean Islands in the latter half of 2011. The meeting noted with grave concern the reappearance of the seaweed this year and urged Member States to monitor the situation closely and take preparatory action to minimize disruption to fisheries and other economic activities in the coastal areas, should the phenomenon also pose a problem this year.


The 6th Meeting of the Council also addressed the development of a strategy and action plan on disaster management and climate change for fishing communities, and actions to better mitigate impacts on marine resources and livelihoods of fishers and fishing communities.


 The Fisheries Ministers received and endorsed recommendations aimed at reducing poverty and vulnerability in fishing communities arising from a regional study on poverty in fishing communities done with technical support from Spain. The recommendations of a study to prepare a master plan for sustainable use of coastal resources, undertaken with technical assistance from Japan, were also endorsed.


 The Council also agreed on the establishment of a Working Group on Aquaculture to spearhead the expansion of aquaculture development (including mariculture) in the region, and a Working Group on ICCAT (International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas), to improve coordinated regional involvement of CARICOM countries in the activities of ICCAT, aimed at sustainable management of tuna and tuna-like species.


 The Council urged Member States to strengthen the implementation of international fisheries instruments, as well as their national legislation to help combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the region.


 In light of international developments, the ministers called upon members to review the new FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (2009), and the International Labour Organisation (C-188) - Working in Fisheries Convention (2007), to determine whether these could assist in improving fisheries in the region.


 They thanked their development partners such as JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), FAO, Government of Spain, European Union, CTA, AusAID, CLME (Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Project), Government of Iceland and the United Nations University Fisheries Training Project, IBD/World Bank Pilot Project on Climate Resilience, IOI/Dalhousie University, University of Florida Sea Grant, and the US SEFSC/NMFS for their contributions to fisheries.



BELIZE CITY, Friday, February 14, 2014―The 22nd Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM)―which has over the past two days been deliberating on matters such as coral reef management, the lobster fishery, and cooperation between CARICOM States and the French Island in fisheries―concludes today in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The CRFM Executive Committee consists of representatives of 6 member states of the regional inter-governmental fisheries organization. The membership of the committee is drawn from the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, a group of government officials, fishers and representatives of private companies from CRFM states tasked with providing technical support to the CRFM.

The Committee is addressing a number of important regional initiatives designed to ensure sustainable use of our fisheries resources and protect the marine ecosystems,” said Milton Haughton, CRFM Executive Director.

During the course of this week's meeting, the Executive Committee also worked on a legal instrument to strengthen regional cooperation for the conservation, management and sustainable use of the spiny lobster and the protection of its habitat, Haughton added.

The CRFM Executive Committee has been meeting since 2003. It holds inter-sessional meetings twice a year between sittings of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, as its principal mission is to advance the Forum's work using a consensus-building approach.



Belize City, Friday, February 7, 2014—Fisheries professionals from member states of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) travel to Kingstown in St. Vincent and the Grenadines next week, to take part in a three-day workshop on the development of a CRFM strategy to improve fisheries statistics, data and information, as they also try to resolve capacity challenges confronting Caribbean countries.

The event, which will focus centrally on present and emerging fisheries information demands, is a joint collaboration of the CRFM and the United Nations University – Fisheries Training Program (UNU – FTP) in Iceland.  It will look at the use of data for economic analysis and fisheries management purposes; the realistic analysis of fisheries data for stock assessment purposes, and future data requirements arising from international markets.

“We want to step back and carefully examine what we have done over the past several years, identify what has worked and what has not worked; identify the weaknesses and constraints, and determine how best to address these,” said CRFM Executive Director, Milton Haughton. “We are taking a more systematic, a more adaptive, and a more comprehensive approach in order to remove the existing constraints that are preventing us from achieving our objectives, and to improve the availability of reliable scientific data and information for decision-making and effective fisheries management.”

Haughton said that they hope to formulate a strategy that countries can agree upon, and use to guide the deployment of their limited human and financial resources in a more strategic and targeted manner.

Participants, who will include fisheries experts from CRFM member states, the University of the West Indies (UWI) and the United Nations University in Iceland and Canada, are expected to come up with new strategies and approaches to improve collection, analysis and management of fisheries statistics in the context of the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy, which identifies this as a priority for Caribbean states.

The joint workshop is in line with a long-term partnership between the CRFM and the UNU – FTP, aimed at building national and regional capacities for fisheries development and management in the region.

The participants are expected to engage in a review and discussion of several relevant activities and reports produced by Caribbean countries. They are also expected to arrive at an agreement on present and emerging fisheries information demands; to make recommendations for appropriate capacity-building options; and to suggest modalities for facilitating the agreed capacity-building schemes.



Belize City; Tuesday, February 4, 2014—Seventeen member states of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) are making their voices heard in a milestone international case on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing—dubbed Case No. 21—which is being reviewed by the International Tribunal on Law of the Sea (ITLOS), based in Hamburg, Germany.

According to the CRFM Executive Director, Milton Haughton, “this is a very important international case which should not only contribute to the development of international and domestic law in an area that is important for effective conservation and management of fisheries, but also clarify the law in respect of the responsibility and liability of States and international organizations for IUU fishing.”

To date, more than 20 countries—Saudi Arabia, Germany, New Zealand, People's Republic of China, Australia, Japan, the UK, Chile, the EU, Sri Lanka and the US—and 8 organizations have submitted written arguments on Case No. 21. Those organizations include the CRFM, the Central American Fisheries and Aquaculture Organization (OSPESCA), the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, and the United Nations.

The latest order from ITLOS sets a deadline of Friday, March 14, 2014, for written submissions to be made in response to these arguments, before a final advisory ruling could be considered.

Case No. 21, lodged last March by the Sub-regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) (Africa), investigates issues such as the obligations of the flag State in cases where IUU fishing is perpetrated within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of third party States, and the extent of the flag State's liability. The SRFC is located in Dakar, Senegal, and comprises seven member states: Cape Verde, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal and Sierra Leone.

In its written statement submitted last November, the CRFM said: “As a matter of general principle, it is the CRFM's view that there should be no lacunae in the obligations and liability of states for IUU fishing activities conducted by entities within their jurisdiction and control...”

Last October in Guyana, the 4th Special Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council, made up of fisheries ministers of participating Caribbean states, discussed the request from ITLOS for the CRFM to submit a statement on Case No. 21. The CRFM Ministerial Council said that this provides the region with an opportunity to influence international jurisprudence on the question of IUU fishing.

The CRFM Secretariat, based in Belize City, had secured the services of Harvard University graduate, Professor Pieter Bekker, chair of International Law, Dundee University, UK; former Professor of law at Columbia University (New York); former staff lawyer at the International Court of Justice (ICJ); and a partner in the international law firm, Steptoe & Johnson LLP – one of the largest law firms in the USA, to assist with the preparation of the brief on behalf of the CRFM. The CRFM has, furthermore, indicated that it intends to have legal representation to make an oral presentation when oral proceedings are eventually held.

In its comprehensive written submission of 112 pages plus annexes, the CRFM, an inter-governmental body for regional fisheries cooperation, said that the most important rights of the coastal state relates to the right to prevent IUU fishing of its resources, such as the right to legislate and enforce its laws, to ensure sustainable development and management of fish stocks, and to take all necessary steps to prevent, deter, eliminate—and punish—IUU fishing in the coastal state's jurisdiction.

The CRFM's views are in line with its overarching mission to promote sustainable use of living marine and other aquatic resources in the Caribbean, by development, efficient management, and conservation of such resources.

The Caribbean fisheries organization also highlighted the duty of countries to manage shared stocks in the EEZ, which requires cooperation between states whose nationals fish within and without the EEZ. As for the question of liability, the CRFM said that it is primarily a question of domestic law, and it is ultimately one to be decided by domestic courts having competent jurisdiction.

On flag State responsibility, the CRFM says that where the flag State has failed to fulfill its obligations and damage has occurred, the flag State may be liable for the actual amount of the damage, but if no damage has occurred, although the flag State was found in breach, the consequences of the wrongful act are determined under customary international law.

Furthermore, the flag State is bound to make the best possible efforts to ensure compliance by vessels flying their flag, within the context of relevant international rules and standards, and domestic laws and regulations, especially those concerning the protection and preservation of the marine environment.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) notes that, “IUU fishing undermines national and regional efforts to conserve and manage fish stocks and, as a consequence, inhibits progress towards achieving the goals of long-term sustainability and responsibility.”

In July 2010, the CRFM adopted the Castries (St. Lucia) Declaration on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, in which member States renewed their efforts to establish a comprehensive and integrated approach to preventing, deterring and eliminating IUU fishing, by emphasizing the primary responsibility of the flag State in accordance with international law; and they committed to ensuring that nationals do not support or engage in IUU fishing. CRFM member states also undertook to ensure that they exercise full control over fishing vessels flying their flag, in accordance with international law.


Belize City; Tuesday, February 4, 2014—Seventeen member states of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) are making their voices heard in a milestone international case on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing—dubbed Case No. 21—which is being reviewed by the International Tribunal on Law of the Sea (ITLOS), based in Hamburg, Germany.

According to the CRFM Executive Director, Milton Haughton, “this is a very important international case which should not only contribute to the development of international and domestic law in an area that is important for effective conservation and management of fisheries, but also clarify the law in respect of the responsibility and liability of States and international organizations for IUU fishing.”

To date, more than 20 countries—Saudi Arabia, Germany, New Zealand, People's Republic of China, Australia, Japan, the UK, Chile, the EU, Sri Lanka and the US—and 8 organizations have submitted written arguments on Case No. 21. Those organizations include the CRFM, the Central American Fisheries and Aquaculture Organization (OSPESCA), the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, and the United Nations.

The latest order from ITLOS sets a deadline of Friday, March 14, 2014, for written submissions to be made in response to these arguments, before a final advisory ruling could be considered.

Case No. 21, lodged last March by the Sub-regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) (Africa), investigates issues such as the obligations of the flag State in cases where IUU fishing is perpetrated within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of third party States, and the extent of the flag State's liability. The SRFC is located in Dakar, Senegal, and comprises seven member states: Cape Verde, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal and Sierra Leone.

In its written statement submitted last November, the CRFM said: “As a matter of general principle, it is the CRFM's view that there should be no lacunae in the obligations and liability of states for IUU fishing activities conducted by entities within their jurisdiction and control...”

Last October in Guyana, the 4th Special Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council, made up of fisheries ministers of participating Caribbean states, discussed the request from ITLOS for the CRFM to submit a statement on Case No. 21. The CRFM Ministerial Council said that this provides the region with an opportunity to influence international jurisprudence on the question of IUU fishing.

The CRFM Secretariat, based in Belize City, had secured the services of Harvard University graduate, Professor Pieter Bekker, chair of International Law, Dundee University, UK; former Professor of law at Georgetown University; former staff lawyer at the International Court of Justice (ICJ); and a partner in the international law firm, Steptoe & Johnson LLP – one of the largest law firms in the USA, to assist with the preparation of the brief on behalf of the CRFM. The CRFM has, furthermore, indicated that it intends to have legal representation to make an oral presentation when oral proceedings are eventually held.

In its comprehensive written submission of 112 pages plus annexes, the CRFM, an inter-governmental body for regional fisheries cooperation, said that the most important rights of the coastal state relates to the right to prevent IUU fishing of its resources, such as the right to legislate and enforce its laws, to ensure sustainable development and management of fish stocks, and to take all necessary steps to prevent, deter, eliminate—and punish—IUU fishing in the coastal state's jurisdiction.

The CRFM's views are in line with its overarching mission to promote sustainable use of living marine and other aquatic resources in the Caribbean, by development, efficient management, and conservation of such resources.

The Caribbean fisheries organization also highlighted the duty of countries to manage shared stocks in the EEZ, which requires cooperation between states whose nationals fish within and without the EEZ. As for the question of liability, the CRFM said that it is primarily a question of domestic law, and it is ultimately one to be decided by domestic courts having competent jurisdiction.

On flag State responsibility, the CRFM says that where the flag State has failed to fulfill its obligations and damage has occurred, the flag State may be liable for the actual amount of the damage, but if no damage has occurred, although the flag State was found in breach, the consequences of the wrongful act are determined under customary international law.

Furthermore, the flag State is bound to make the best possible efforts to ensure compliance by vessels flying their flag, within the context of relevant international rules and standards, and domestic laws and regulations, especially those concerning the protection and preservation of the marine environment.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) notes that, “IUU fishing undermines national and regional efforts to conserve and manage fish stocks and, as a consequence, inhibits progress towards achieving the goals of long-term sustainability and responsibility.”

In July 2010, the CRFM adopted the Castries (St. Lucia) Declaration on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, in which member States renewed their efforts to establish a comprehensive and integrated approach to preventing, deterring and eliminating IUU fishing, by emphasizing the primary responsibility of the flag State in accordance with international law; and they committed to ensuring that nationals do not support or engage in IUU fishing. CRFM member states also undertook to ensure that they exercise full control over fishing vessels flying their flag, in accordance with international law.

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