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Sherlene Audinett

Sherlene Audinett

Social protection exists when governments develop policies and programmes to address economic, environmental and social vulnerabilities to food insecurity and poverty. The Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP) is one such policy which Caribbean Countries believe can help to enhance the income, status and capacities of fisherfolk; thus, enabling them to sustainably provide for themselves and their family members.

By stimulating improved fisheries management and production, the CCCFP can contribute to social protection in fishing communities, which provides greater income stability and ability to manage risk, thus contributing to reducing poverty and food insecurity in the longer-term.

Fisherman’s Day 2015 is an occasion to focus the region’s attention on the crucial role that can be played by the CCCFP in eradicating hunger and poverty.



A popular proverb tells us that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; but if you teach that man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime!  For thousands of years, seafood has been respected all over the world as a good way for people to feed their families and also put some money into their pockets. In fact, fish is the food product that is sold most in international markets, with tropical shrimp being among the most valuable fishery commodity. Today, although activities related to fisheries continue to provide an important source of employment and export revenue to many African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, there has been rising concern over food security as well as the safe handling of seafood products. Food security refers to a country’s ability to produce enough wholesome and nutritious foods to supply to all its’ people, at all times.

 In response to these concerns and challenges, the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) is making efforts to develop effective food safety systems that will provide better ways of handling seafood products; and that would guarantee a brighter future for the fisheries sector. the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures Programme is a big step in the right direction.



The Workshop which was organised by the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Secretariat in collaboration with the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisation (CNFO) with support from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA), brought together stakeholders from the fisheries sector as well as the media to deepen their understanding of the “blue growth concept” on 20 – 21 November 2014, in St. Georges, Grenada.


 February 2, 2015 – Belize City, Belize…CARICOM acknowledges the contribution of the Government of Japan in promoting sustainable use and management of living marine resources for the benefit of the people of the CARICOM States and Japan.


Mr. Milton Haughton, Executive Director, CARICOM’s Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) said, “the fact that Japan has been willing and steadfast in contributing so generously to promote sustainable use of marine resources in the CARICOM countries, even in these challenging economic times, is in my opinion, a true reflection of the special bond of friendship and importance that Japan attaches to our relationship.”


Over the past 20 years, Japan has emerged as the major contributor toward the development of the fisheries sector at the bilateral level within the Caribbean.  Japan has been providing vital and substantial support in upgrading and improving the artisanal fishing fleet; fishing ports and other shore-based infrastructure for storage, processing and marketing of fish; as well as provision of training in gear technology, processing and quality assurance, resource management and conservation of fisheries,” Mr Haughton added.


The 20-year partnership between the Government of Japan and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) culminated with a series of in-country seminars in 6 CARICOM countries, which discussed national level interventions supported by Japan, with presentations on the successes as well as the challenges. A regional seminar took place in Trinidad and Tobago on 4 December 2014 where regional fisheries officials and stakeholders reviewed the outcomes over the years under the partnership Agreement entitled “A New Framework for Japan - CARICOM Cooperation for the Twenty-first Century”, towards strengthening the relationship between the CARICOM Governments and Japan in promoting sustainable in the fisheries sector.


Under this Agreement, the Government of Japan provided funding and technical assistance to CARICOM Governments in several areas of economic and social development. These included among others, Trade and Investment, Education and Human Resource Development, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment and Climate Change, Integration in the Global Economy, and Fisheries and Agriculture. 


 At the regional seminar facilitated by the CRFM Secretariat in collaboration with the Government of Japan, through support of the Caribbean Fisheries Co-management (CARIFICO) project CARICOM officials, fisheries country representatives, experts from regional institutions and the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisation (CNFO) acknowledged Japan’s contribution in the fisheries sector in the CARICOM States at both national and regional levels during the past 20 years.



His Excellency, Ambassador Yoshimasa Tezuka for Japan in Trinidad and Tobago attending the seminar reiterated his country's commitment to the sustainable development of the fisheries in the Caribbean.  He said, "The Caribbean and Japan share many similarities, from islands being surrounded by water to being vulnerable to hurricanes.  Both Japan and the Caribbean can learn and share best practices and exchange expertise, toward making our countries socio-economic and environmentally resilient" He added, "That the 20 years of CARICOM-Japan Friendship Year 2014 is a momentous time for both Caribbean and Japan to harness deeper relations."


The following are some of the areas CARICOM Members have benefited from the 20-year relations with Japan:


  • The development and expansion of trade in fish and fishery products by CARICOM Member States.
    • The construction of port facilities for fishing boats, and fresh fish markets and attendant facilities, including cold storage, and in one case, a bus terminal.
    • Training attachments of fisheries personnel in Japan, as well as the attachment of Japanese technical experts to the region to facilitate technology transfer and human resource capacity building, have made a significant positive contribution to fisheries development in CARICOM.
    • One of the earliest major regional projects was a technical cooperation project started in 1996 at the CFTDI in Trinidad and Tobago. This “regional fisheries training project” provided fisheries officers in the region with training opportunities in the fields of fishing methods, marine engineering and fish processing.
    • Provision of in-country JICA expertise from as far back as 1990, up to the present, to provide technical assistance included aquaculture / mariculture; fishing gear and methods; engine maintenance; coastal fishing technology; FAD development; long line fishing technology; fish marketing and product development; and marine biology.
    • JOCV volunteers also carried out community development activities that assisted fishers.


    The contribution of the Government of Japan towards the sustainable development and management of aquaculture and fisheries in the CARICOM countries continued with a 3 year regional study (2009-2012), which prepared a Master Plan on sustainable use and conservation of fisheries resources for coastal community development.

    The Government of Japan is also currently supporting a follow-up project, the CARIFICO Project, to begin implementing some of the recommendations contained in the Regional Master Plan.


    The participation of stakeholders at national and regional levels of cooperation and interventions recognized that Japan and CARICOM Members shared a similar philosophy on sustainable use of marine resources and made recommendations on the scope for  new interventions through emerging issues and priority areas consistant with the Caribbean Common Common Fisheries Policy and the CARICOM Strategic Plan.  These include:

    • Continued assistance with capacity building and training.
    • Obtaining baseline information on the deep slope resources to determine the potential for this type of fishery and management requirements.
    • Upgrade of processing and marketing facilities to support better access to local, regional and international markets.
    • Develop post-harvest processing facilities for small-scale fisheries.
    • Provide  technical assistance in
        • post-harvest quality control for small-scale fisheries
        • boat building with fiber glass
        • fishing net construction and repairing
        • outboard engine maintenance and repairs
        • utilisation of By-catch Reduction Devices
        • business management and marketing.
    • Support Aquaculture activities in general and, in particular, marine aquaculture such as, but not limited to, grouper farming, mangrove oyster farming and culture of selected ornamental species.
    • Support the development [and/or obtaining] of cost effective sources of feed for aquaculture
    • Study for potential markets for underdeveloped fisheries.
    • Consider support to intra-regional pelagic and/or deep slope demersal fishermen’s exchange programmes, as appropriate.
    • Support scientific research (stock assessment) of main target species of artisanal fisheries (including for Penaeus species in collaboration with Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana).
    • Support scientific research on invasive species such as lionfish and Sargassum to consider the current and long term impacts on the regional fisheries.
    • Facilitate continued collaboration with CFTDI and further implementation / expansion of the Basic Fishermen’s Training Course.
    • Strengthening fishers and fishers’ organization.
    • Capacity building of stakeholders along the industry chain is important for successful uptake of emerging new ideas and technologies.


    In closing the seminar, participants noted that the relationship with Japan was very beneficial to the CARICOM countries and expressed their gratitude to Japan for the support provided over the past 20 years to strengthen sustainable use, conservation and management of the marine living resources and improve livelihoods of coastal communities. They also expressed the desire to further strengthen and deepen the bond of friendship and cooperation between CARICOM and Japan over the next 20 years.


    For additional information contact:

    Milton Haughton

    CRFM Executive Director

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    Adelle Roopchand

    Media Relations

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   https://twitter.com/Adelle

    http://www.crfm.net/  https://twitter.com/CaribFisheries




    About CRFM:The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) was officially inaugurated on 27 March 2003, in Belize City, Belize, where it is headquartered, following the signing of the “Agreement Establishing the CRFM on February 4, 2002. It is an inter-governmental organization with its mission being to “To promote and facilitate the responsible utilization of the region's fisheries and other aquatic resources for the economic and social benefits of the current and future population of the region”. The CRFM consist of three bodies – the Ministerial Council; the Caribbean Fisheries Forum; and the CRFM Secretariat. Its members are Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and the Turks and Caicos Islands.



     Participants at the CRFM/CNFO/CTA Workshop on Investing in Blue Growth


    December 1, 2014 – Belize City, Belize…Fisheries stakeholders from  14 Caribbean states including the French Caribbean met in St. Georges, Grenada from 20-21 November 2014 to discuss ways of improving economic growth and development by investing in “Blue Economic Growth,” that is, the creation of employment and economic growth and resilience through better use of the resources of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The 53 stakeholders attending the workshop  reviewed and provided inputs to improve implementation of various CARICOM policy and planning documents such as the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy and others on aquaculture development, Spiny Lobster and Nassau Grouper conservation and management;  and improving seafood safety and quality assurance systems [Sanitary (human and animal health) and Phytosanitary (plant health) –SPS]. 

    The CRFM aims to promote the sustainable use of fisheries and aquatic resources in and among the CARICOM Member States, by development, management and conservation of these resources in collaboration with stakeholders to benefit the people of the Caribbean region. CRFM Member States suffer from illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activity which not only undermine the region’s fisheries management efforts but also threatens the countries’ border security and economic development. The combined land area of the CRFM Member States is 433,549 sq. km. The combined area of their exclusive economic zones is 2,046,948 km sq. km, and their coastlines extend over nearly 10,000km with an aggregate population of approximately 17 million, with annual per capita consumption of fisheries products estimated at 32 kg, (global average per capita consumption is 19.2kg).

    The fisheries in CRFM Member States are an important foreign exchange earner and a primary contributor to income, employment, food security and social and economic stability, especially in coastal communities.  In 2010, 62,217 persons were employed in direct production in the marine capture fisheries, with a total fleet of fishing vessels operating in the commercial capture fisheries of just under 25,000 vessels and some 60 or more foreign-owned and operated fishing vessels registered under open registry arrangements (Belize and St. Vincent and the Grenadines).

    The presence of trans-boundary fish stocks and fish stocks of common interest is of great benefit to the CRFM Member States, whose total marine capture fish production averaged 136,148 metric tons, between 2006 and 2010.  During the period 2008 – 2009, at ex-vessel prices the value of marine capture fisheries production for the region from domestic fleet was approximately USD 543,200,000.

    The CRFM in collaboration with the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisations (CNFO) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries hosted a two-day workshop on the theme “Investing in Blue Economic Growth” in 20-21 November 2014, to  both raise public awareness and understanding of the Blue Growth concept and  how to optimize social and economic benefits and sustainably manage the resources of the marine waters, and also to review and improve a number of draft regional policy and planning documents to guide national activities in these areas.

    There are few large surplus stocks in the Caribbean region, with the exception of Guyana, Suriname and to a lesser extent, Belize.  The following categories of fisheries have traditionally been acknowledged by the CRFM region: small coastal pelagic fisheries such as flying fish, offshore fisheries for large pelagic such as tunas, shallow shelf and reef finfish fisheries, lobster fishery, shelf and deep slope fishery, shrimp fishery, conch fishery, echinoderm fishery (specifically, the sea urchin fishery), sea turtle fishery and fisheries for sea mammals.

    In reviewing the sector’s short to medium term aquaculture plan of action for CARIFORUM Countries, stakeholders recommended that priority be given by CARICOM and the CRFM to begin research to identify the most suitable and commercially viable aquaculture species for the region.  They also recommended that consideration  should be given to the development of aquaculture that provides the by-products, including waste, from one aquatic species as inputs (fertilizers,food) for another (known as integrated multi-trophic aquaculture); and, aquaponics production systems  to improve and ensure adequate supply of fish  for  regional markets.  It is felt by the fisheries stakeholders that there is need for a single document to capture all the regional and sub-regional initiatives  aimed at satisfying international standards in the sector and ensure fisheries and aquaculture are integrated in the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME).

    The capacity building investments should include improved networking and collaboration among stakeholders throughout the sector to ensure sustainable use and conservation of the resource base to provide optimum social and economic benefits to the people of the region.  Research and development activities should be done with the University of the West Indies and other regional institutions including the Directorates for Sea Fisheries and Aquaculture of the French Overseas Departments (DOMs) and the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) and other institutions. The French institutions have done extensive research and development including technologies in the field of aquaculture of tropical marine  species for commercial use.  The workshop also recommended that in implementing the Aquaculture Action Plan, the CRFM and countries  take into consideration the need for  public education and awareness on the opportunities available in the sector and its importance for food and nutrition security in the Region.

    Stakeholders highlighted the need for Fisherfolk capacity building and public  awareness and education on the Common Fisheries Policy, as well as the strategic importance of engaging with fishers in the implementation of the policy throughout the region.  They also underscored the need to update national legislation to incorporate and reflect the key tenets of the policy..  Participants felt that a pinnacle for strengthening Fisherfolk organisations includes compulsory participation of fishers through membership of  national fisher’s organizations and representation at regional levels decision-making bodies.

    Success stories from the Jamaica Fisheries Cooperative Union shows the benefits of cooperatives as vessels for building capacity of fishers in better business management techniques,  and improved competitiveness in the sector, as well as succession planning and participation of fishers in benefit schemes, such as the national insurance programme.  

    Stakeholders also identified the need for fishers, sub-regional organisations and national governments to assist with the collection and compilation of basic data needed to ensure the sustainable management of both marine and inland fish resources.  In this regard, the workshop recommended that a data and information sharing protocol be given priority attention in the immediate future as CRFM shifts towards full implementation of the Common fisheries policy.

    The workshop also reviewed plans to boost post-harvest benefits through improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary systems particularly the 1st year’s work plan of a regional SPS project being coordinated by IICA, which covers legislation and regulations, management coordinating mechanisms and capacity building.  It is recommended that there should be continuous consultation with relevant institutions/bodies at regional and national levels to review and develop guidelines, model legislation, regulations and standards for an internationally acceptable SPS system. Where fish quality assurance legislation exists, in draft or otherwise (e.g. OECS and Barbados), these should be taken into account in developing new updated model legislation.

    In the area of SPS capacity, support for the countries is expected in the development of the regulatory frameworks and industry capacity to meet international SPS requirements, e.g.: aimed at accreditation of microbiological, chemical and biochemical  laboratories and human resource development and equipment. Support will also  include certified training for routine testing of water and ice; routine testing of fishery products; and the testing for other chemical or biochemical contaminants such as heavy metals (mercury, lead, copper, cadmium); histamine and other bio-toxins.

    In keeping with the CRFM’s efforts to realize participatory approaches to fisheries management, the development of a public sector-private sector partnerships (PPPs) and advocacy plans are also to be coordinated to support the management of the sector.

    The next meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council which is tentatively scheduled for May 2015 is expected to  review and sign off on the various plans and policy documents, including a regional spiny lobster Declaration.  The aim of the lobster declarations is to promote a regional, harmonized approach to management, conservation and sustainable use of the Spiny Lobster, however it will be left to the Member States to implement and enforce the provisions of the Declaration.  In refining the declaration, the workshop recommended standardise lobster data collection, and that CRFM should develop a  format to meet the region’s requirements which would consider the different types of fishing methods, data collection situations, research and enforcement being done within the Region.  Fisherfolk and other stakeholders at the workshop also recommended a period of ban (regional closed season) on the harvesting and sale of the Spiny Lobster or any parts thereof, which would be harmonized regionally to allow for its reproduction and effective enforcement of the ban.

    It was also noted that, at national and regional levels, the Nassau Grouper is still highly vulnerable since it is being harvested heavily during the spawning period.  The Nassau Grouper is a slow growing fish that needs special conditions for spawning, and such conditions occur only a few times in a year. It was recommended that a review should be done regionally to assess the industry operations, through engaging fishers and other sources for empirical data to better understand the state of the resource in the CRFM countries.  Research is ongoing in the Bahamas, which should improve understanding of Nassau grouper biology and ecology in the near future.  Grenada Fisherfolks have reported sighting of juvenile Nassau Grouper; which seems to imply the proximity of spawning areas as yet undocumented.  The CRFM plans to provide comments to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on their intention to list Nassau Grouper as a threatened species by the deadline of December 31, 2014.

    The CRFM has been collaborating with Fisherfolk and relevant institutions to encourage raising awareness and providing policy support on product knowledge; strengthening the science-policy interface; empowering stakeholders; supporting implementation of monitoring, evaluation, adaptive management, and learning.  Through the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) support, the CRFM has been able to strengthen the Fisherfolk capacity and information sharing through training of the fishers through CNFO to take the lead in awareness raising; developing markets; consultations; outreach as part of their capacity building amongst other areas. 

    Based on recommendations from the stakeholders at the Workshop on Investing in Blue Growth, it is felt that there is need for continuity of capacity building of Fisherfolk in the area of information sharing on science and policy; succession planning; and risk based science to ensure protection of Fisherfolk against disasters and climate related impacts.

    The CRFM is committed to  working with the Fisherfolk and stakeholders to develop the necessary protocols and prepare an implementation plan for the  CFP, and improve the implementation of other policy documents and projects such as the regional aquaculture plan, SPS Project, Nassau grouper, spiny lobster declaration, Sub-regional Flyingfish Management Plan, and the FAO small-scale fisheries guidelines, while building the Fisherfolks’ capacity towards ensuring sustainable use and conservation to provide optimum social and economic benefits to the people of the region.


    For more information, please contact:

    Milton Haughton

    CRFM Executive Director

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    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

    http://www.crfm.net/  https://twitter.com/CaribFisheries

    Adelle Roopchand, Media Relations, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   https://twitter.com/Adelle


     (L-R) Mr Sookram Ali, Ministry of Land and Marine Resources; Ambassador YoshimasaTezuka (Japan); Honourable JairamSeemungal, Minister of Land and Marine Resources; Mr Milton Haughton, Executive Director, CRFM; Ms Christine Chan A Shing, Director of Fisheries, Land and Marine Resources

     4 December, 2014 - Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (CRFM): The CARICOM-Japan relationsbegan in 1993 when the first consultation was held between the parties. Today  the benefits of this friendship are evidenced by the number of cooperative initiatives and projects in the region covering a wide range of areas that have helped the Governments and peoples of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Japan.


     Senior fisheries experts,fisheries departments, other government officials, private sector representatives and regional development partners of Member States of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) and Japan are meeting in Trinidad and Tobago at a two-day workshop hosted by the  CRFM, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the Embassy of Japan in Trinidad and Tobago.


    The HonourableJairamSeemungal, Minister of Land and Marine Resources, Trinidad and Tobago told the regional gathering to make use of the two day to discuss and “make recommendations as a way forward as appropriate to making the fisheries sector a sustainable one in the region.”


    Minister Seemungal elaborated on Trinidad and Tobago’s benefits from the support from the Government of Japan through the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA), a Technical Co-operation Programme at the national level, ‘The Regional Fisheries Training Project’ from 1996 to 2001 enhanced: the technical standard of training personnel at the Caribbean Fisheries Training and Development Institute (CFTDI); the training arm of the Ministry of Land and Marine Resources.  The Project focused on providing equipment to the CFTDI; training nationals in Japan in specific fields and dispatching Japaneseexperts to Trinidad to provide technical assistance”, said Minister Seemungal.


     Minister added, “The Project for the Promotion of Sustainable Marine Fisheries Resource Utilisation from 2001-2006 in Trinidad and Tobago allowed for a number of assessments of commercially important fish species, analyses of alternative gear design and identification of a number of recommendations for continued management of the specific fishery resources.  It proposed the possible introduction of specific environmentally friendly fishing gears, recommended the increased use of under- utilized fish species for consumption and developed management recommendations for specific commercial fish species in Trinidad and Tobago”.


     Ambassador YoshimasaTezuka for Japan in Trinidad and Tobago reiterated his country’s commitment to the sustainable development of the fisheries in the Caribbean.  He said, “the Caribbean and Japan share many similarities, from islands being surrounded by water to being vulnerable to hurricanes.  Both Japan and the Caribbean can learn and share best practices and exchange expertise, toward making our countries socio-economic and environmentally resilient.”  He added, “That the 20 years of CARICOM-Japan Friendship Year 2014 is a momentous time for both Caribbean and Japan to harness deeper relations.”


     Mr Milton Haughton, Executive Director, CRFM in his remarks said, “Fisheries and sustainable use of marine resources is just one of the several areas of cooperation. We are therefore very grateful for this opportunity to convey our sincere gratitude to the Government and people of Japan, to reaffirm the high esteem with which we hold our relationship with Japan, and also to explore possibilities to deepen and strengthen cooperation in areas of common interest in future”.


    Mr Haughton added, “over the past 20 years Japan has emerged as the major contributor of development assistance for the fisheries sector at the bilateral level within the Caribbean.  Japan has been providing vital and substantial support in upgrading and improving the artisanal fishing fleet; fishing ports and other shore based infrastructure for storage, processing and marketing of fish; as well as provision of training in gear technology, processing and quality assurance, resource management and conservation of fisheries.”


    Japan is currently providing funding and technical assistance to CARICOM statesby way of The Caribbean Fisheries Co-management Project (CARIFICO), the objective of which is to develop and strengthen co-management approachesin the fisheries sector.


     “The fact that Japan has been willing and steadfast in contributing so generously to promote sustainable use of marine resources in the CARICOM countries, even in these challenging economic times, is in my opinion, a true reflection of the special bond of friendship and importance that Japan attaches to our relationship,” Haughton added.



    For more information, please contact:

    Adelle Roopchand

    Media Relations

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. https://twitter.com/Adelle

    Milton Haughton

    CRFM Executive Director

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    In 2000 the CARICOM Governments and Japan signed a partnership agreement entitled “A New Framework for Japan-CARICOM Cooperation for the Twenty-first Century”. Under this agreement the Government of Japan provided funding and technical assistance to CARICOM Governments in several areas of economic and social development. These included among others, Trade and Investment, Education and Human resource development, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment and climate change, Integration in the Global Economy, and Fisheries and Agriculture.

    The significant contribution of the Government of Japan to the sustainable development and management of aquaculture and fisheries in the CARICOM countries has continued more recently, with the government of Japan committing over US$3.5 million to improve the contribution of aquaculture and fisheries to the economic development of the CARICOM States by the preparation of a 3 year regional study, which prepared a Master Plan on sustainable use and conservation of fisheries resources for coastal community development. The Government of Japan also recently approved a follow up project, the CARIFICO Project, to begin implementing some of the recommendations contained in the Regional Master Plan.

    The CARIFICO Project will host and support a one-day workshop on FAD management to review and discuss the results of the project to date and determine ways forward in its implementation.

     The expected outputs from the Workshops will be:

    • Discussion on national and regional levels of cooperation and interventions
    • Identification of successes and challenges related to previous interventions
    • Proposals for future interventions especially against the backdrop of the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy and the CARICOM Strategic Plan
    • Review of the results of the CARIFICO project to date and recommendations for ways forward as appropriate


     Workshop Documents

    Information Note 

    Annotated Agenda

    List of Participants

    Report of CRFM-JICA CARIFOCI/WRCAFC-IFREMER MAGDELESA Workshop on FAD Fishery Management, 9 - 11 December, 2013, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

     CRFM Presentation

    Belize Presentation

     CFTDI Presentation

    Dominica Presentation

    Jamaica Presentation

     JICA Presentation

     St. Kitts and Nevis Presentation

    St. Vincent and the Grenadines Presentation

    Suriname Presentation

    Report of the Fisheries Seminar Series for Japan-CARICOM Friendship Year 2014. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2014/6

    Sargassum Products for Climate Resilience - Press Releases, Updates, and Announcements

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