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Study on the impacts of rising cost factors such as capital, labour, maintenance and energy costs on fishing operations in the CRFM Member States and REBYC-II LAC participating countries


The CRFM Secretariat is inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified persons to undertake a short term assignment to review the impact of rising cost factors, such as capital, labour, maintenance and energy costs on fisheries operations in the CRFM Member States and REBYC-II LAC participating countries, and propose appropriate policy options and strategies for dealing with the resulting issues in order to improve efficiency, improve on productivity and sustainability, and reduce economic risks to the sector.  The project will be conducted over a period of ten (10) months between December 2015 and November 2016.



Published in Press release


St. George’s, Grenada, 13 May 2015 (CRFM): Fisheries Ministers from Member States of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) are expected to sign off on the Declaration on Spiny Lobster by way of a resolution, when they convene the 9th Meeting of the Ministerial Council of the CRFM on Friday, 15 May 2015 at Flamboyant Hotel in St. George's, Grenada.

The non-binding declaration establishes a roadmap for closer cooperation among the 17 CARICOM/CRFM States to ensure long-term conservation and sustainable use of the lobster resources.

The Ministerial Council meeting is scheduled to open at 9:00 a.m. The feature address will be delivered by Honourable Roland Bhola, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Grenada, who will assume the chairmanship of the Council on the occasion of the meeting from Honourable Johnson Drigo, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Dominica.

Milton Haughton, Executive Director of the CRFM Secretariat in Belize, said: “This is another important policy-level meeting of the CRFM Member States as they seek to strengthen cooperative arrangements, to realize the full development potential of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the region.

“Our vision and long-term goal is to transform the region’s fisheries and aquaculture into sustainable systems, in order to optimize the sector’s contribution to food and nutritional security, improved livelihoods and wealth generation, through the application of science and technology, good governance, and inclusive, sustainable development strategies.”

When they meet this Friday, the Caribbean Fisheries Ministers will be reviewing the progress being made in the implementation of existing policy instruments and programs. In charting the way forward, they will also make decisions on the next steps in the transformation process.

High on their agenda will be the endorsement of the process now underway to develop the Plan of Action to facilitate the implementation of the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP).

The Fisheries Ministers will also discuss an initiative recently announced by the Government of the United States during the Caribbean Energy Summit on climate risk insurance for the Caribbean fisheries sector. This is in line with efforts to achieve Climate Smart Food Security (CSFS) using a Risk Insurance Facility (RIF).

The Ministerial Council will finally receive a full report on the outcome and recommendations of the 13th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, held in St. George’s, Grenada at the end of March this year.

The Ministerial Council of the CRFM is the arm of the CRFM which has primary responsibility for determining the policies of the organisation, resource allocation, cooperative agreements, and related decision-making.


Published in Press release

 February 2, 2015 – Belize City, Belize…CARICOM acknowledges the contribution of the Government of Japan in promoting sustainable use and management of living marine resources for the benefit of the people of the CARICOM States and Japan.


Mr. Milton Haughton, Executive Director, CARICOM’s Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) said, “the fact that Japan has been willing and steadfast in contributing so generously to promote sustainable use of marine resources in the CARICOM countries, even in these challenging economic times, is in my opinion, a true reflection of the special bond of friendship and importance that Japan attaches to our relationship.”


Over the past 20 years, Japan has emerged as the major contributor toward the development of the fisheries sector at the bilateral level within the Caribbean.  Japan has been providing vital and substantial support in upgrading and improving the artisanal fishing fleet; fishing ports and other shore-based infrastructure for storage, processing and marketing of fish; as well as provision of training in gear technology, processing and quality assurance, resource management and conservation of fisheries,” Mr Haughton added.


The 20-year partnership between the Government of Japan and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) culminated with a series of in-country seminars in 6 CARICOM countries, which discussed national level interventions supported by Japan, with presentations on the successes as well as the challenges. A regional seminar took place in Trinidad and Tobago on 4 December 2014 where regional fisheries officials and stakeholders reviewed the outcomes over the years under the partnership Agreement entitled “A New Framework for Japan - CARICOM Cooperation for the Twenty-first Century”, towards strengthening the relationship between the CARICOM Governments and Japan in promoting sustainable in the fisheries sector.


Under this Agreement, the Government of Japan provided funding and technical assistance to CARICOM Governments in several areas of economic and social development. These included among others, Trade and Investment, Education and Human Resource Development, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment and Climate Change, Integration in the Global Economy, and Fisheries and Agriculture. 


 At the regional seminar facilitated by the CRFM Secretariat in collaboration with the Government of Japan, through support of the Caribbean Fisheries Co-management (CARIFICO) project CARICOM officials, fisheries country representatives, experts from regional institutions and the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisation (CNFO) acknowledged Japan’s contribution in the fisheries sector in the CARICOM States at both national and regional levels during the past 20 years.



His Excellency, Ambassador Yoshimasa Tezuka for Japan in Trinidad and Tobago attending the seminar reiterated his country's commitment to the sustainable development of the fisheries in the Caribbean.  He said, "The Caribbean and Japan share many similarities, from islands being surrounded by water to being vulnerable to hurricanes.  Both Japan and the Caribbean can learn and share best practices and exchange expertise, toward making our countries socio-economic and environmentally resilient" He added, "That the 20 years of CARICOM-Japan Friendship Year 2014 is a momentous time for both Caribbean and Japan to harness deeper relations."


The following are some of the areas CARICOM Members have benefited from the 20-year relations with Japan:


  • The development and expansion of trade in fish and fishery products by CARICOM Member States.
    • The construction of port facilities for fishing boats, and fresh fish markets and attendant facilities, including cold storage, and in one case, a bus terminal.
    • Training attachments of fisheries personnel in Japan, as well as the attachment of Japanese technical experts to the region to facilitate technology transfer and human resource capacity building, have made a significant positive contribution to fisheries development in CARICOM.
    • One of the earliest major regional projects was a technical cooperation project started in 1996 at the CFTDI in Trinidad and Tobago. This “regional fisheries training project” provided fisheries officers in the region with training opportunities in the fields of fishing methods, marine engineering and fish processing.
    • Provision of in-country JICA expertise from as far back as 1990, up to the present, to provide technical assistance included aquaculture / mariculture; fishing gear and methods; engine maintenance; coastal fishing technology; FAD development; long line fishing technology; fish marketing and product development; and marine biology.
    • JOCV volunteers also carried out community development activities that assisted fishers.


    The contribution of the Government of Japan towards the sustainable development and management of aquaculture and fisheries in the CARICOM countries continued with a 3 year regional study (2009-2012), which prepared a Master Plan on sustainable use and conservation of fisheries resources for coastal community development.

    The Government of Japan is also currently supporting a follow-up project, the CARIFICO Project, to begin implementing some of the recommendations contained in the Regional Master Plan.


    The participation of stakeholders at national and regional levels of cooperation and interventions recognized that Japan and CARICOM Members shared a similar philosophy on sustainable use of marine resources and made recommendations on the scope for  new interventions through emerging issues and priority areas consistant with the Caribbean Common Common Fisheries Policy and the CARICOM Strategic Plan.  These include:

    • Continued assistance with capacity building and training.
    • Obtaining baseline information on the deep slope resources to determine the potential for this type of fishery and management requirements.
    • Upgrade of processing and marketing facilities to support better access to local, regional and international markets.
    • Develop post-harvest processing facilities for small-scale fisheries.
    • Provide  technical assistance in
        • post-harvest quality control for small-scale fisheries
        • boat building with fiber glass
        • fishing net construction and repairing
        • outboard engine maintenance and repairs
        • utilisation of By-catch Reduction Devices
        • business management and marketing.
    • Support Aquaculture activities in general and, in particular, marine aquaculture such as, but not limited to, grouper farming, mangrove oyster farming and culture of selected ornamental species.
    • Support the development [and/or obtaining] of cost effective sources of feed for aquaculture
    • Study for potential markets for underdeveloped fisheries.
    • Consider support to intra-regional pelagic and/or deep slope demersal fishermen’s exchange programmes, as appropriate.
    • Support scientific research (stock assessment) of main target species of artisanal fisheries (including for Penaeus species in collaboration with Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana).
    • Support scientific research on invasive species such as lionfish and Sargassum to consider the current and long term impacts on the regional fisheries.
    • Facilitate continued collaboration with CFTDI and further implementation / expansion of the Basic Fishermen’s Training Course.
    • Strengthening fishers and fishers’ organization.
    • Capacity building of stakeholders along the industry chain is important for successful uptake of emerging new ideas and technologies.


    In closing the seminar, participants noted that the relationship with Japan was very beneficial to the CARICOM countries and expressed their gratitude to Japan for the support provided over the past 20 years to strengthen sustainable use, conservation and management of the marine living resources and improve livelihoods of coastal communities. They also expressed the desire to further strengthen and deepen the bond of friendship and cooperation between CARICOM and Japan over the next 20 years.


    For additional information contact:

    Milton Haughton

    CRFM Executive Director

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    Adelle Roopchand

    Media Relations

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    http://www.crfm.net/  https://twitter.com/CaribFisheries




    About CRFM:The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) was officially inaugurated on 27 March 2003, in Belize City, Belize, where it is headquartered, following the signing of the “Agreement Establishing the CRFM on February 4, 2002. It is an inter-governmental organization with its mission being to “To promote and facilitate the responsible utilization of the region's fisheries and other aquatic resources for the economic and social benefits of the current and future population of the region”. The CRFM consist of three bodies – the Ministerial Council; the Caribbean Fisheries Forum; and the CRFM Secretariat. Its members are Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and the Turks and Caicos Islands.



    Published in Press release


    Fisheries are an important source of food, income and cultural identity for Caribbean communities. While reef fisheries in the Caribbean are frequently over-exploited, offshore pelagic resources also targeted by the US sport-fishing industry may generate alternative economic benefits and divert pressure from reefs. Key to the efficient harvesting of thinly-distributed pelagic fish is the use of fish aggregation devices (FADs). Traditionally, FADs were deployed by individuals or close-knit groups of fishers. Recently, governments have deployed public FADs accessible to all. There is concern that public FADs are exploited less efficiently and produce conflicts related to crowding and misuse.

    In partnership with Counterpart International, the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism and the Dominica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines Fisheries Divisions, Florida Sea Grant collected information from fishermen on their use of FADs that were deployed privately, by small groups or by the government. This allowed for a determination of governance arrangements that were most profitable and provided input to stakeholder meetings with FAD fishers to identify best practices for sustainably using and co-managing FADs.

    The fishing trip analysis shows that catch and profitability are higher when FADs are managed privately or by small groups and access to the aggregated fisheries resources is somewhat restricted. An engagement strategy that introduced an activity planner as a best practice to increase information sharing helped strengthen the rapport between government and fisheries stakeholders. Study results are helping shape regional implementation of policy, which favors FADs co-managed by fishers and government, but can benefit from positive aspects of FADs managed privately or by small groups.

    Published in Press release

    ROSEAU, Dominica, April 23 (CRFM) – The future of the conch and lobster sector is being examined as the 12th meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum,the main technical and scientific decision-making bodyof the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), opened here Wednesday at the Fort Young Hotel.

    Acting Permanent Secretary in Dominica’s Ministry of the Environment, Natural, Physical Planning and Fisheries, Harold Guiste, made special mention of the issue while presenting the feature address on behalf of the host nation.

    Mr. Guiste said that amid systems put in place region-wide to monitor the harvesting of the delicacies, “it appears some countries are bent on wanting to exercise control over all the resources in the world.”

    He further noted: “Globally we have noticed a rush to fish accompanied by a lack of responsible behaviour in the fishing sector. This type of hooligan behaviour has resulted in severe decline in some major fisheries of the world and collapse in some others.”

    The senior ministry official called on the CRFM to work closely with its stakeholders and partners to safeguard against the depletion of the region’s already challenged resources.

    The spiny lobster industry brings in about US$456 million per year to CARICOM producers but high demand has led to an unhealthy state of the stock.

    The CRFM is also concerned that since 2012 an environmental NGO in the US has called for the queen conch, a delicacy and the largest mollusc fished commercially across the Caribbean to be listed as an endangered species in accordance with the US Endangered Species Act.

    The protection of queen conch is already governed by the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), whose guidelines CARICOM signatory nations follow scrupulously.

    The matter has been taken to the Council for Trade and Economic Development COTED and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs in CRFM member countries.

    In light of annual, substantial losses caused by Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishingthe Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy is also getting special attention at the meeting.

    CRFM Executive Director Milton Haughton said while regional governments have agreed to the policy, mandated by CARICOM close to a decade ago, it was not signed at the 25th Inter-Sessional meeting of CARICOM Heads recently held in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

    The common fisheries policy would act as a treaty to guide sustainable contributions for regional development and food security, develop the scientific basis for decision-making, strengthen sanitary and phytosanitary systems and market research which could lead to improved access to overseas markets, through cooperation to increase the fish processing which offers value added products and create jobs.

    “We have to strengthen our systems to ensure better conservation and resource management, especially of the resources that are our main commercial resources including lobster and queen conch etc. Long term sustainability is one of the key challenges facing the fisheries sector in the region s well as globally,” Haughton said.

    Fourteen of the 17 member countries of the CRFM are present at this year’s meeting;absent are Barbados, Haiti and Suriname. Two observers, The Netherlands and Curacao, have expressed an interest in joining the Belize-based CRFM.



    Based in Belize, the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) was established in 2003. It is the core of a complex interactive network of a wide variety of stakeholders in fisheries. Three bodies together make up the Mechanism. These are: a ministerial body, a Fisheries Forum (the main technical and scientific decision-making body) and a Fisheries Technical Unit or Secretariat.

    CRFM promotes the sustainable use of fisheries and aquaculture resources in and among Member States, by developing, managing and conserving these resources in collaboration with stakeholders to benefit the people of the Caribbean region.

    Its membership includes all CARICOM countries, as full members. Other countries and territories in the Caribbean may join the Mechanism as Associate Members.

    Published in Press release


    BELIZE CITY, Tuesday, April 22, 2014 (CRFM)—In the face of new and emerging challenges—such as climate change adaptation and disaster risk management, and food and nutrition insecurity—Caribbean countries are strengthening collaborative effort which they hope would maximize their initiatives to further drive down poverty rates within fishing communities and improve food and nutrition security, while ensuring that they take advantage of modern technological avenues to add dollar-value to the fisheries resources that are a source of livelihood for nearly 200,000 fishers across the region.

    It is in this vein that heads of national fisheries authorities from the seventeen (17) member states of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), as well as observers and partner agencies, will converge at the 12th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, the technical, advisory arm of the CRFM, on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, at Fort Young Hotel in Roseau, Dominica.

      Honourable Dr. Kenneth Darroux, Dominica's Minister of the Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries, is scheduled to deliver the keynote address, at this auspicious gathering of fisheries managers and stakeholders from across the region.

     The Caribbean Fisheries Forum will discuss plans for the region to adopt the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy – a progressive legal instrument which is ready for endorsement by Caribbean Heads of Government.

    The country representatives will also look at the advancement of the region in implementing the Castries (St. Lucia) Declaration on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing, including the recent conclusion of a Prosecution Manual and the companion Standard Operating Procedure Manual for Caribbean states, and a regional strategy to strengthen monitoring, control and surveillance systems.

    The Forum will be updated on the progress of technical activities being undertaken by the CRFM Secretariat, its member states and network partners. For example, the technical team will review the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR), supported by the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank, as well as joint action to strengthen the conservation and management of important fisheries such as the spiny lobster, queen conch and flyingfish.

    Finally, they will formulate recommendations on the way forward, for consideration by the Ministerial Council, due to meet on May 23, 2014 in Dominica.

    At the 11th Forum Meeting held in Barbados a year ago, the fisheries managers contributed greatly to the development of the newly adopted Information Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy for the CRFM, as well as the Independent Performance Review and Strategic Plan for 2013-2021 for the regional fisheries body.

    CRFM Executive Director, Milton Haughton underscored the importance of the upcoming meeting of CRFM states and regional development partners.

    "We will have thorough discussion on several key issues in fisheries and aquaculture and reach consensus on the way forward in improving the contribution fisheries make to the region's social and economic development," Haughton said. "We will review the progress made over the past year and discuss concrete initiatives to strengthen conservation and management of key fish species and ecosystems through cooperative actions, innovative development and value addition in the sector, as well as promote policy and institutional reforms and capacity-building initiatives to achieve sustainable growth of aquaculture and fisheries."

    The CRFM Executive Director concluded by saying that "...this meeting will provide expert guidance and intellectual support to strengthen regional cooperation in fisheries in the coming years."


    Published in Press release
    Thursday, 19 November 2020 22:16

    CRFM Research Paper Collection






        2019 CRFM

    CRFM Research Paper Collection Volume 9 

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-92-5

        2019 CRFM

    CRFM Research Paper Collection Volume 8

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-07-7

        2014 Kimberlee Cooke-Panton

    An Analysis of puerulus settlement of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) stock in Jamaica with pracical mangement receommendations

        2013 CRFM

    CRFM Research Paper Collection Volume 7

    ISBN # 978-976-8165-68-8

        2013 CRFM

    CRFM Research Paper Collection -Volume 6

    ISBN # 978-976-8165-67-1

        2012 Murielle Felix

    Supply Chain Analysis for Fresh Sea Food in Haiti

        2012 Alisa Martin

    Conservation of Fresh Golden Red Fish Fillets: Influence of Bleeding, Modified Atmosphere Packaging using different gas mixture and super chillingon quality deterioration

        2012 Tricia Lovell

    Towards a Management Plan for Antigua and Barbuda's Queen Conch Fishery:  A Co-Management Approcah

        2011 Mitchell Lay

    GMA / F4F Fishers Forum Regional Fisheries Governance and Fishers participation and related activites at the 64th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI), Puerto Morelos, Mexico, 31 October - 4 November 2011

        2011 Netty Martowitono

    Efficiency on Cleaning and Disinfection on Fish Contact Surfaces

        2011 Stacy-Ann Gray

    An Economic and Production Assessment Model for Ornamental Fish Production in Jamaica

        2011 Yvonne Edwin

    An Apraisal of the Fisheries Data Collection System in Saint Lucia

        2010 Mauro Gongora

    Assessment of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) of Belize based on Fishery-Dependent Data

        2010 Rolerick H. Sobers

    Bioeconomic Analysis of the Flyingfish Fishery in Barbados

        2010 Ricardo A. Morris

    A Bioeconomic Analysis of the Jamaican Industrial Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Fishery

        2009 Maren Headley

    Harvesting of Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean: A Bioeconomic Perspective

        2009 CRFM

    CRFM Research Paper Collection - Volume 5, 2009

        2009 CRFM

    Component of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Fishery Operations in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Associated Socio-Economic Characterists, CRFM Research Paper Collection, Vol. 3, No. 4

        2007 Dawn Maison

    Management of Inshore Artisinal Fisheries in Guyana a Co-management Approach

        2007 June H. C. Masters

    The Use of Surplus Production Models and Length Frequency Data in Stock Assessments: Explorations Using Greenland Halibut Observations

        2006 CRFM

    Bibliography. Common Fisheries Policy and Regime for CARICOM.  Review of Social, Economic and Linkages Issues

        2006 Maria Pena

    Bibliography. Common Fisheries Policy and Regime for CARICOM. Review of Social, Economic and Linkage Issues - Terminal Report

        2006 CRFM

    Report of the Study Mission to Canada conducted 9 - 22 July 2006

        2006 CRFM

    Report of the Second ad hoc Legal Working Group on the Preparation of a Common Fisheries Policy and Regime, 7 - 8 April 2006, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

        2006 CRFM

    Report of the First Ad Hoc Legal Working Group On the preparation of a Common Fisheries Policy and Regime, 20 - 21 February 2006, Guyana

        2006 Jennifer Cruickshank, Peter A. Murray, Terrence Phillips, Susan Singh-Renton, Leslie Straker

    Discussion paper on Implementing Mechanism for a Common Fisheries Policy and Regime

        2005 CRFM

    CRFM / FAO / MALMR Regional Workshop on the Collection of Demographic Information on Coastal Fishing Communities and its use in Community-Based Fisheries and Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Caribbean

        2005 CRFM

    Comparative Study Mission to the Philippines and Malaysia for the Study of the Use of Demographic and Socio-Economic Information in Coastal and Fisheries Management, Planning and Conservation, Report of Study Mission, May 2005, Milton Haughton, Deputy Executive Director, CRFM Secretariat, Belize; Joseph Simmonds, Senior Fisheries Officer, St. Kitts and Nevis; Leslie Straker, Fisheries Officer, St. Vincent and the Grenadines; and William Gregory Bethel, Senior Fisheries Officer, The Bahamas Community-based Coastal Resources Management in the Caribbean (CBCRM) Technical and Financial Report for the period October 2003 – March 2004

        2005 CRFM

    National, Sub-regional and Regional Levels and Eliminate or Minimize IUU fishing in the Region, 2 – 3 March 2005, Georgetown, Guyana (Consultant Report)

        2005 CRFM

    First Meeting of the Pro Tem Working Group on Institutional Strengthening of the Caribbean Fisher Folk Organizations, 22 - 23 June 2005, Guyana

        2005 CRFM

    CTA / CRFM / CARDI Regional Workshop Report on Findings of Organizational Needs Assessment of Caribbean Fisher Folk Organizations (Funded by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation - CTA)

        2004 CRFM

    The Effects of Liberalization and Trade Related Policies on Fisheries and Measures Required for their Sustainable Development in the CARIFORUM / CARICOM Region (Parts A and B) by Lloyd B. Rankine (PhD), Govind Seepersad (MSc), Ranjit H. Singh (PhD), December 2004
    Part A
    Part B

        2004 Joseph O. Palacio

    Past and Current Methods of Community-based Coastal Resource Management in Southern Belize by Joseph O. Palacio.

        2004 CRFM

    The Consideration of Socio – Economic and Demographic Concerns in Fisheries and Coastal Area Management and Planning - Belize Case Study by Imani Fairweather-Morrison, August 2004

        2004 CRFM

    The Consideration of Socio-Economic and Demographic Concerns in Fisheries and Coastal Area Management and Planning in Saint Lucia by Sarah George, 2004

        2004 CRFM

    Status of Coastal Zone and Fisheries / Aquatic Resources Management and the Incorporation of Demographic and Socio-Economic Considerations / Indicators: Trinidad and Tobago by Suzette Soomai, August 2004

        2004 CRFM

    Socio – Economic and Demographic Concerns in Fisheries and Coastal Area Management in Turks and Caicos Islands Case Study, August 2004 by Wesley Clerveaux and Tatum Fisher

        2004 CRFM

    Consideration of Socio – Economic and Demographic Concerns in Fisheries and Coastal Area Management and Planning Dominica Case Study, August 2004 by Harold Guiste

        2004 CRFM

    The Consideration of Socio – Economic and Demographic Concerns in Fisheries and Coastal Area Management and Planning in Jamaica Case Study, August 2004 by G. Andre Kong 

        2004 CRFM

    Glover’s Reef Marine Reserve Fisheries Boat Census 2004 (PART 1), Belize by Sandra Grant, June 2004

        2004 CRFM

    Glover’s Reef Marine Reserve Data Collection Plan (PART 2), Belize by Sandra Grant, June 2004

        2004 CRFM

    Analysis of Data collected during the Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) Visual Surveys of November 2003 in Belize, Workshop of 23 - 26 February 2004

        2004 CRFM

    Report of the Shrimp and Groundfish Workshops conducted in Guyana (November 2003), Belize (December 2003), Trinidad and Tobago (January 2004)

        2004 Camilo Coral

    El Modelo Kuna de Gestion Territorial: Estudio de Caso de la Comunidad Ukupsermi de la Comaria Kuna Yala, Panama – Programa de Manejo Communitario de Recursos Costeros en el Caribe (CBCRM) – Abril 2004

        2004 Trevor Hamilton and Associates

    Options for Institutional Rationalization of Coastal Zone Management in Belize.

        2004 CRFM

    CARDI / CRFM Secretariat: Organizational Needs Assessment of Caribbean Fisherfolk Organizations (Funded by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation - CTA)

        2003 CRFM

    Report of the Multidisciplinary Survey of the Fisheries of Haiti, 24 November 2003

        2003 CRFM

    Strategic Plan for the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism

        2003 CRFM

    Report on the Institutional Building Conference of Representatives of Fisheries Administrations and Fisher Folk Organisations, 29 - 30 September 2003, Georgetown, Guyana

        2003 CRFM

    Workshop to Train Fisheries Staff and Selected Stakeholders in the Identification on Commercially Important Marine Species and to Conduct Training in Basic Field Data Collection Activities, 20 - 22 August 2003, Georgetown, Guyana

        2002 CRFM

    Regional Overview of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) resources in CARICOM / CARIFORUM Countries

        2002 CFTU

    Report of the Capacity Training Workshop for Fisheries Field Officers, 22 – 27 July 2002, Dominican Republic

        2002 CFTU

    Report of Fisheries Data Collection and Management Training Workshop, 18 – 25 March 2002, Belize City

        2002 Almerigi, S

    Leadership for Fisherfolk

        2001 CFTU

    Report of Fisheries Data Collection and Management Training Workshop, 23 – 26 October 2001, Dominican Republic  

        2001 CFRAMP

    Report of the 2000 Caribbean Pelagic and Reef Fisheries Assessment and Management Workshop, 5 - 7 June 2000, Barbados.

        2001 CRFM

    Second Institutional Strengthening Workshop for Fisher Folk Organisations, 22 - 30 January 2001, Georgetown, Guyana

        2001 CFRAMP

    Fisheries Management Data System Terminal Workshop “The Way Forward... A Review and Planning Session, 25 - 28 November 2000, Castries, St. Lucia

        2001 CFTU

    First Workshop of Regional Experts to Develop the Caribbean Fisheries Management Data Base Software Programs; Workshop Report – 25 – 27 July 2001, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

        2001 CFTU

    Second Workshop of Regional Experts to Develop the Caribbean Fisheries Management Data Base Software Programs; Workshop Report – 6 – 10 November 2001, Kingston, Jamaica

        1998 CFRAMP

    National Reports and Selected papers presented at the Regional fishery Management Planning Workshop, 22 - 24 April 1998, Christ Church, Barbados

        1997 Adele Ramos, Gilbert Richard and Terrence Phillips

    Establishment of Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems for the Belize Shrimp Fishery - Description of the Belize Shrimp Fishery.

        1997 Adele Ramos and Terrence Phillips

    Establishment of Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems for the Belize Shrimp Fishery - Species Caught and Landed for the Belize Shrimp Fishery

        1996 Stephanie Marshalleck

    Report of the Conch and Lobster Subproject Specification and Training Workshop (Available in hard copy only).

        1996 Shrimp and Groundfish Resource Assessment Unit

    Report of the Joint Meeting of the CFRAMP Shrimp and Groundfish Subproject Specification Workshop and Fourth WECAFC Ad Hoc Shrimp and Groundfish Working Group of the Guiana-Brazil Shelf (Distribution Restricted).

        1996 David Brown, Ph.D

    Fishermen as Co-Managers of Communal Property in the CARICOM Region - Paper presented at the 6th Annual Common Property Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property

        1995 Brian Luckhurst and Stephanie Marshalleck

     Subproject Initiation Mission Report and background Review for Spiny Lobster and Conch.

        1995 Shrimp and Groundfish Resource Assessment Unit

    Subproject Initiation Mission Report and Background Review for Shrimp and Groundfish.

        1994 CRFM

    A Socio-Economic Baseline Survey of Thirty Fishing Communities in Twelve CARICOM Countries (Available in hard copy only)

        1994 CFRAMP

    Large Pelagics, Reef and Deep-Slope Fishes Assessment Sub-project Specification Workshop Report

        1994 Charmaine Gomez, Robin Mahon, Susan Singh-Renton and Wayne Hunte

    The Role of Drifting Objects in Pelagics Fisheries in the Southeastern Caribbean. 

        1993 Paul Fanning

    Report of the Joint Mission and Workshops by CFRAMP and Canadian Coast Guard for Small Fishing Vessel Inspection Training.

        1993 Susan Singh-Renton and Robin Mahon

    CFRAMP Overview of the Annual ICCAT Meeting for 1992.

        1993 CFRAMP

    Report of the Subproject Initiation Mission Report for the Large Pelagic, Reef and Deep Slope Fishes Assessment Subproject (Available in hard copy only).  

        1993 Garret Manwaring and Paul Fanning

    Report of the Subproject Specification Workshop for Data and Information and Licensing and Registration Systems.

        1993 Stephenie Auil-Marshalleck

    A Review of the Occurance of Fish Spawning Aggregation in the Caribbean and the Implications for Fisheries Management

        1992 Robin Mahon and R. Bateson

    Report of the CFRAMP Baseline Survey on the Role of Regional Inst. in Fisheries Research & Management

        1992 Milton Haughton

    Report of the Subproject Specification Workshop for National Fishery Management Plans, held in Kingston, Jamaica, 14 - 17 December 1992  (Available in hard copy only).

        1992 Robin Mahon, Karl Aiken and John Neilson

    Guidelines for Preparation and Production of Fishery Documentation Series Produced by the CFRAMP

        1992 Robin Mahon and Peter A. Murray

    Mission to Explore the Potential for CFRAMP Participation in the activities of the International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

        1992 Robin Mahon and Stephen Boyce

    Baseline Survey of Fisheries Department in CFRAMP Participating Countries. 

        1992 Robin Mahon, Andre Kong and Karl Aiken

    A Preliminary Assessment of the Conch Fishery on the Shelf and Bank off the South Coast of Jamaica.

        1992 Susan Singh-Renton

    A CFRAMP Perspective on the Second Billfish Workshop, Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami, Florida, 22 - 29 July 1992.  

        1992 Paul Fanning

    Subproject Initiation Mission Report for Fisheries Data and Information Systems, Licensing and Registration System (WBS 1.1.2 and 1.1.4).

        1992 Neil Ward Faulkner, Robin Mahon and Milton Haughton

    Subproject Initiation Mission Report for National Fishery Management Plans (WBS 1.1.1).

          Yuri Sanjeev Chakalall, Robin Mahon, Hazel Oxenford and Raymond Ryan

    Fish Exporting in the Grenadines Islands: Activities of Trading Vessels and Supplying Fishers. 


    Fisheries Data Collection and Management Training Workshop, Suriname

    Sunday, 24 March 2013 22:13

    CRFM Technical and Advisory Documents






    2022 CRFM  

    Summary Report - Fourth Meeting of the Working Group to Promote Sustainable Aquaculture Development. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2022/04

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-67-1

     2022  CRFM  

    Report of thee Eighth Meeting of the CRFM / CARICOM Fisheries and Aquaculture Priority Commodity Working Group (FISHCOM WG). CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2022/03

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-66-4

    2022 CRFM  

    Report of the Eleventh Meeting of the CRFM Pelagic Fisheries Working Group (CRFM-PWG) on the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).  CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2022/02

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-63-3

    2022 CRFM  

    Report of the Technical Meeting on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing and Transnational Organized Crime in the Fishing Industry, (Electronic), Belize City, Belize, 16 March 2022. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document, No. 2022/01

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-65-7

    2021 CRFM  

    Report of Meetings of the CRFM Pelagic Fisheries Working Group (CRFM-PWG) on the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT for the Birnnial Period 2020-2021. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2021/18

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-63-0

    2021 CRFM  

    Report of the First Regional Workshop for Strengthening Sustainable Use and Management of Coastal Fisheries Resources in tthe CARICOM Countries (COASTFISH) Project. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2021 / 17

    ISBN #:  978-976-8293-55-8


    Final Technical Report: Developing a Communication Strategy and Action Plan for the Fisheries Sector of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document  No, 2021/16

    ISBN #:  978-976-8293-62-6

    2021 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Developing and Communication Strategy and Action Plan for the Fisheries Sector in St. LuciaCRFM Technicl and Advisory Document, No. 2021/15 

    ISBN #:  978-976-8293-61-9

    2021 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Developing and Communication Strategy and Action Plan for the Fisheries Sector in Jamaica. CRFM Technicl and Advisory Document, No. 2021/14

    ISBN #:  978-976-8293-60-2

    2021 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Developing and Communication Strategy and Action Plan for the Fisheries Sector in Guyana. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2021/13

    ISBN #:  978-976-8293-59-6

    2021 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Review of the Draft Barbados Fisheries Policy and Development of Recommendations to Streengthen its Application during and after COVID019 and to Ensure Incorporation of the SSF Guidelines/Protocol for the SSF Guidelines in the CCCFPCRFM Technical & dvisory Document, No. 2021/12

    ISBN #:  978-976-8293-58-9

    2021 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Review of Existing Functions of the Fisheries Advisory Committee in Antigua and Barbuda. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document, No. 2021/11

    ISBN #:  978-976-8293-57-2

    2021 CRFM  

    User Manual and Field Guide for Large Scale Harvesting of Sargassum for the project "Developing Sargassum Products for Climate Resilience in the Caribbean. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2021 / 10

     ISBN#: 978-976-8293-54-1

    2021 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Developing and Communication Strategy and Action Plan for the Fisheries Sector in Belize. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2021/07

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-56-5

    2021 CRFM  

    CLME+ Flyingfish Sub-Project Final Technical Report. Technical & Advisory Document 2021/06

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-53-4

    2021 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report - Technical support for printing and dissemination of the Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fisheries Managenet Plan 2020-2025 & Ancillary Public Relations Items. Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2021/05 

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-46-6

    2021 CRFM  

    Technical suport to effect the application of Impact Assessment Tools for the outputs of the CLME+ Flying Sub-project in five (5) flyingfish countries - Consolidated Report. Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2021/04

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-45-9

    2021 CRFM  

    Report of the Regional ProDoc Validation Workshop for Promoting National Blue Economy Priorities through Marine Spatial Planningin the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus (BE: CLME+) project, 25 January 2021, CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2021/02

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-44-2

    2020 CRFM  

    Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Fisheries of the Caribbean Initiative: report on Development of Regional and National Monitoring and Evaluation Syatems to Track Gender Equality, Decent Work Achievements, and Youth Involvement. Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2020/17

    ISBN#  978-976-8293-51-0

    2020  CRFM  

    Towards Gender Sensitive Business Activities Technical & Advisory Document No. 2020/16

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-50-3

    2020  CRFM  

    Promoting Gender Equality in Recruiting and Hiring - Approaches for consideration in the CRFM. Technical & Advisory document, No. 2020/15

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-49-7

    2020 CRFM  

    Capacity Building Report on Gender Mainstreaming in Fisheries of Member States of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism. Technical & Advisory Document No. 2020/14

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-48-0

    2020 CRFM  

    Report of the Sixth Meeting of the CRFM/CARICOM Fisheries and Aquaculture Priority Commodity Working Group (FISHCOM WG). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2020/13

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-47-3

    2020 CRFM  

    Report of the Third Meeting of the Working Group to Promote Sustainable Aquaculture Development (Electoic Meeting), 19 October 2020Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2020 / 12

    ISBN#:  978-876-8293-38-1

    2020 CRFM  

    Report of the 3rd Virtual Regional Consultation for the Project,"Promoting National Blue Economy Priorities through Marine Spatial Planning in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus (BE: CLME+)", Belize City, Belize, 14 December 2020. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2020/11

    ISBN#: 978-967-8293-43-5

    2020 CRFM  

    Mainstreaming gender equality in fisheries of the Caribbean initiative - Report on priority issue areas: Research, data and recommendations. Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2020 / 09

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-34-3

    2020 CRFM  

    Mainstreaming Gender in Fisheries of the Caribbean Initiative: An assessment of country compliance with international and regional frameworks related to gender, fisheries, youth and decent work. Technical & Advosory Document, No. 2020 / 08

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-35-0

    2020 CRFM  

    Coronavirus Impacts, Implications and Way Forward for the Fisheries Sector on CRFM Member States. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2020/07

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-33-6

    2020 CRFM  

    Gender Analysis, Strategy and Action Plan on Gender Mainstreaming in Fihseries of Member States of the Caribbean Reginal Fisheries Mechanism. Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2020 / 06

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-36-7

    2020 CRFM  

    Report of the Fifth Meeting of the CRFM/CARICOM Fisheries and Aquaculture Priority Commodity Working Group (FISHCOM WG) CRFM Technical & Advisory Document N0. 2020/05

     ISBN#: 978-976-8293-25-1

     2020  CRFM  

    Status of Member States’ implementation of the 5-year work plan for aquaculture development in CRFM.  CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2020/04

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-30-5

    2020 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Conduct of Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Assessments of the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability and Development of an Associated Monitoring System. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2020 /03

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-29-9

    2020 CRFM  

    Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries and Aquaculture in the CARICOM Region: Regional Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2030. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2020 /02

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-28-2

    2020 CRFM  

    Report of the Project Inception Workshop for Promoting National Blue Economy Priorities through Marine Spatial Planning in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus (BE: CLME+), Belize City, Belize, 5-6 March 2020. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2020 / 01

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-19-0

    2019 CRFM  

    Reports of Meetings of the CRFM Pelagic Fisheries Working Group (CRFM-PWG) on the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) for 2018 - 2019. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2019 / 20

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-03-9

    2019 Jimena Eyzaguirre, Natascia Tamburello, Darcy Pickard, Hugh Stimson, Richard Boyd, Michael Jones, Gabriel Reygondeau  

    Analytical Tools and Monitoring Guidance for Monitoring Climate Change Impacts. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 / 19

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-02-2

    2019 CRFM  

    Report on Outcomes of the Regional Training Program on Analytical Tools, Monitoring Tools and an Environmental and Fisheries Data PortalCRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 /18

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-01-5

    2019 Hugh Stimson  

    CRFM Portal - User and Administrator Guide CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019/17

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-00-8

     2019  CRFM  

    A Guide to Selected Communications Products. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2019 / 16, Suppl. 1


    2019 Gardiner, A-G. and Eyzaguirre, J  

    Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and Monitoring System: Report on the Implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Strategy & Action Plan. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 / 16

    ISBN#:  978-976-8257-99-4

    2019 AvaGail Gardiner  

    Fishery-Related Ecological and Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and Monitoring System: Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Strategy & Action Plan. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 / 15

    ISBN#:  978-976-8257-98-7

    2019 Zinzi Horne  

    Developing a Disaster and Risk Management Plan for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 / 14

    ISBN#:  978-976-8257-96-3

    2019 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Technical Support to facilitate Adaptive Management for Eastern Caribbean Flyingsh Fisheries. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2019 / 09

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-08-4

    2019 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Technical Support to Enhance Data and Information Management for Decision Support to the Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2019 / 08

    ISBN#:  978-976-8293-04-6

    2019 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Technical Support to Facilitate Long-term Enhancement of Livelihoods and Human Well-being for Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fisheries. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 / 07

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-16-9

    2019 CRFM  

    Variable Impacts Assessment Report - Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish FisheriesCRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 / 06

    ISBN#: 978-976-8357-97-0

    2019 CRFM  

     Technical Support on Implementation of Management / Stress Reduction Measures in the Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery: Final Technical ReportCRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 / 05

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-14-5

    2019 CRFM  

    Value Chain Report - Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fisheries.CRFM. Technical & Advisory Document, Number. 2019/04

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-17-6

    2019 CRFM  

    Technical Support to Enhance the Governance Arrangements for Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fisheries: Final Technical ReportCRFM Technical & Advisory Document, Number 2019 / 03

    ISBN#: 978-976-8293-05-3

    2019 CRFM  

    Report of the Fourth Meeting of the CRFM/CARICOM Fisheries and Aquaculture Priority CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 / 02

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-94-9

    2019 CRFM  

     Report of the Third Meeting of the CRFM/CARICOM Fisheries and Aquaculture Priority. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2019 / 01

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-93-2

    2018 CRFM  

    Update on the Implementation Status of the Regional Lionfish Strategy for the Control of the Invasive Lionfish in CRFM Member States - 2017-2018. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2018/12

    ISBN: 978-976-2893-39-8

    2018 CRFM  

    Report of the Consultation to review Queen Conch Fisheries and Resources. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 11

    ISBN No:  978-976-8257-90-1

    2018 CRFM  

    Report of the Consultation on WECAFC Joint Working Group Outputs and the WECAFC Orientation Process. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 10

    ISBN No: 978-976-8257-89-5

     2018  CRFM  

    St Vincent and the Grenadines Country Proposal Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER)CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 09, Supplement 1

    ISBN No: 978-976-8257-87-1

    2018   CRFM  

    St. Vincent and the Grenadines Consultation Report: Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 09

    ISBN No: 978-976-8257-86-4

     2018  CRFM  

    Saint Lucia Country Proposal: Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER)CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 08, Supplement 1

    ISBN No: 978-976-8357-85-7

     2018  CRFM  

    Saint Lucia Consultation Report: Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency response (FEWER). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No 2018 / 08

    ISBN No: 978-976-8357-84-0

    2018 CRFM  

    Grenada  Country Proposal Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 07, Supplement 1

    ISBN No:  978-976-8257-83-3

    2018 CRFM  

    Grenada Consultation Report: Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 07

    ISBN No:  978-976-8257-82-6

    2018 CRFM  

    Dominica Country Proposl: Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER)CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 06, Supplement 1

    ISBN No:  978-976-8257-81-9

    2-018 CRFM  

    Dominica Consultation Report: Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER)CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 06

    ISBN No: 978-976-8257-88-8

    2018 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 04

    ISBN No. 978-976-8257-76-5

    2018 CRFM  

    Training Report: Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 03.

    ISBN No. 978-976-8257-75-8

     2018  CRFM  

    Report of the Regional Inter-Agency Strategic Meeting of Fisheries Early Warning and Emergency Response (FEWER)CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2018 / 01

    ISBN No: 978-976-8257-80-2

    2018 CRFM  

    Protocol on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries and Aquaculture

    2017 CRFM  

    Reports of Meetings of the CRFM Pelagic Fisheries Working Group (CRFM-PWG) on the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) for 2016-2017. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2017/ 06

    ISBN No: 978-976-8293-06-0

    2017 CRFM  

    Report of CRFM / CARIFICO Seminar: Strengthening Fisheries Co-management in the Region . CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2017 / 4

    ISBN No. 978-976-8258-69-7

    2017 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report. Technical Support to Promote the adoption of Comprehensive Model Legislation, Protocol, Guidelines for Health and Food Safety related to Fisheries and Aquaculture in CARIFORUM States.  CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2017 / 03

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-65-9

    2017 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report: Capacity Building of of regulatory and industry stakeholders in Aquaculture and Fisheries health and food safety to meet the SPS requirements of international trade. Technical and Advisory Document No. 2017 / 02

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-63-5

    2017 CRFM  

    Report of a Training Course on Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary Measures in Fisheries and Aquaculture for CARIFORUM Member States. Technical and Advisory Document No. 2017 / 01

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-64-2

    2016 CRFM  

    Model Protocol for the Management of Extreme Accumulations of Sargassum on the Coasts of CRFM Member States. Technical & Advisory Document No. 2016 / 05

    ISBN:  978-976-8257-58-1

    2016 CRFM  

    Activities during 2015/16 to Strengthen Cooperation with ICCAT. Technical and Advisory Document 2016 / 04

    ISBN:  978-976-8257-29-1

    2016 CRFM  

    Promoting Regional Trade and Agribusiness Development in the Caribbean: Case Studies on Linking Fisheries to Tourism-Related Markets. Technical and Advisory Document 2016 / 03

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-27-7

    2016 CRFM  

     Implementation Report (2013-2015): Regional Strategy for the Control of the Invasisve Lionfish in CRFM Member StatesTechnical and Advisory Document 2016 / 02

     ISBN:  978-976-8257-25-3 

    2016 CRFM  

    Implementation Report (2014-2015): Sub-Regional Fisheries Management Plan for Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean. Technical and Advisory Document 2016 / 01

    ISBN:  978-976-8257-24-6

    2015 CRFM  

    Report of the Regional Validation Workshop for the Fisheries Component of the 10th EDF Sanitary and Phytosantitary Measures project. CRFM Technical and and Advisory Document 2015 / 08

    ISBN:  978-976-8257-19-2

    2015 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report - Technical Support to develop model legislation, protocols, guidelines for health and food safety related to fisheries and aquaculture in CARIFORUM States. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2015 / 07

    ISBN:  978-976-8257-23-9

    2015 CRFM  

    Final Technical Report - Tecnical Support to develop National and Regional environmental monitoring programmes related to SPS for fishery and aquaculture products in CARIFORUM States CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2015 / 06

    ISBN:  978-976-8257-22-2

    2015 CRFM  

    2015 Draft Sub-Regional Management Plan for FAD Fisheries in the Eastern Caribbean (Stakeholder Working Document). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document 2015 / 05

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-15-4

     2015  CRFM  

    Report of Write-shop on FAD Fisheries Management. Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 23 - 25 June 2015. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2015 / 04

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-13-0

     2015  CRFM  

    Developing the CRFM's Fisheries and Aquaculture Research AgendaCRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2015 / 03

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-10-9


    Developing a Model Logbook for FAD Fisheries in the Eastern Caribbean, CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2015 / 2

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-11-6

     2014  CRFM


    Review of Fisheries Data Collection Systems in Selected CRFM Member States and Recommendations of Integrated FAD Fisheries. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2014 / 08

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-05-5



    CRFM / CARIFICO Regional Workshop on FAD Management. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2014 / 07

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-09-3

    2014 CRFM


    Report of Fisheries Seminar Series for Japan-CARICOM Friendship 2014. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2014 / 06

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-04-8

    2014 CRFM


    Report of the CRFM/CNFO/CTA Regional Fisheries Workshop: Investing in Blue Growth, St. George's, Grenada, 20 - 21 November 2014. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2014 / 05

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-06-2

    2014 CRFM


    The Sanitary & Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Programme: Positioning CARIFORUM to Fish Where the Big Fish Are. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No 2014 / 04

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-98-5



    Study on the Potential of Fish Farming in the Caribbean. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2014 / 03

    2014 CRFM


    Training Needs Assessment of the Fisheries Divisions of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Member States. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2014 / 02

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-99-2

    2014 CRFM


    Report of the Workshop to Develop Strategy to Strengthen Capacity in CRFM States in the Area of Fisheries and Information, 10 - 12 February 2014, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2014 / 01

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-89-3

     2013  CRFM


    Draft Sub-Regional Management Plan for Blackfin Tuna Fisheries in the Eastern Caribbean (Stakeholder Working Document). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document 2013 / 17.

    ISBN: 978-976-8257-14-7

     2013  CRFM


    Series of Technical Documents generated during the Queen Conch Survey Training Workshop: Document I - Report of Mock Survey & Document II - Proposals for Country-specific Queen Conch Survey Plans. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2013 / 16

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-95-4

     2013  CRFM  

    Manual for Conducting Underwater Visual Queen Conch Surveys. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013 / 15

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-97-8

     2013  CRFM  

    Underwater Fisheries Independent Approaches for Queen Conch Population Extimation - Review, CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2013 / 14

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-96-1

    2013 CRFM


    Regional Management Options for Queen Conch with Improved Scientific Approaches Considered, CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No 2013 / 13

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-92-3

    2013 CRFM  

    Regional Validation Workshop on Scientific Approaches Required to Inform Sustainable Management of Queen Conch, CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013 / 12

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-93-0

    2013 CRFM  

    Regional Review of the Queen Conch Fisheries, CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013 / 11

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-94-7

    2013 CRFM


    Regional Strategy on Monitoring, Control and Surveillance to Combat IUU Fishing in the CARICOM/CARIFORUM Region

    2013 CRFM


    Prosecution and Enforcement Manuals for CARIFORUM Member States - Regional Workshop Report. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document Series No. 2013 / 10

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-88-6

    2013 CRFM


    Prosecution and Enforcement Manuals for CARIFORM Member States: Volume 1 - Fisheries Prosecution Manual.  CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013 / 10

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-86-2

    2013 CRFM


    Prosecution and Enforcement Manuals for CARIFORUM Member States: Volume 2 - Fisheries Enforcement Manual. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document N0. 2013 / 10

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-87-9

    2013 CRFM


    REPORT OF CRFM - JICA CARIFICO / WECAFC - IFREMER MAGDELESA Workshop on FAD Fishery Management - CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2013 / 09

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-81-7

    2013 CRFM


    Regional Workshop Report - Formulation of a Strategy Action Plan and Programme Proposal on Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change Adaptation in Fisheries and Aquaculture in the CARICOM and Wider Caribbean Region. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013 / 08

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-77-0

    2013 CRFM


    Volume 1 Assessment Report- Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Caribbean Region. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013 / 08

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-78-7 

    2013 CRFM


    Volume 2 Regional Strategy and Action Plan - Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Caribbean RegionCRFM Technical and Advisory Document  No. 2013 / 08


    2013 CRFM


    Volume 3 Programme Proposals - Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Fisheries and Aquacuture in the Caribbean RegionCRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013 / 08

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-80-0

     2013  CRFM


    Report of the CRFM/ CNFO/ CTA Workshop on Regional Fisheries Policies, 7-8 October 2013, Guyana. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013 / 07

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-76-3



    Advocacy Strategy and Plan on Fisherfolk’s Positions on Critical Issues concerning the Implementation of Regional Fisheries Policies in the Caribbean. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013 / 06 

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-75-6 

    2013 CRFM


    Report of the CRFM / JICA Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD) Management Workshop for OECS Countries, 13 March 2013, Roseau, Dominica. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document  No. 2013 / 05



    ISBN: 978-976-8165-73-2

    2013 CRFM  

    Report of the Second Meeting of the CRFM/ CLME Large Pelagic Fishery Case Study Steering Committee - CRFM Technical Advisory Document No. 2013 / 04

     ISBN: 978-976-8165-70-1 

    2013 CRFM  

    Report of the Second Meeting of the CRFM/ CLME Eastern Caribbean Flyfishing Fishery Case Study Steering Committee - CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2013/03

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-71-8

    2013 CRFM  

    Report of the CRFM/CNFO/CTA Consultation on the Implementation and Mainstreaming of Regional Fisheries Policies into Small-Scale Fisheries Governance arrangements in the Caribbean - CRFM Technical Advisory Document No. 2013 / 02

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-72-5

    2013 CRFM   CNFO Advocacy Strategy and Plan 2013
    2013 CRFM


    Policy Brief # 3 - Role of Fish and Seafood in food and nutrition security  

    2013 CRFM


    Policy Brief # 1 - Castries Declaration - Getting Fisherfolk Onboard 

    2013 CRFM


    Policy Brief # 2 - Implementing CARICOM`s CFP - Increasing Benefits 

    2013 CRFM


    Illegal Unreported and Unregualted Fishing - the Caribbean Context - Issues paper #3

    2013 CRFM


    Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, Climate Change Adaptation, and DRM - Issues Paper # 2

    2013 CRFM


    Adoptation and Implemention of  CARICOM‘s Common Fisheries Policy - Issue Paper #1

    2013 CRFM


    FAO/CRFM/WECAFC Caribbean Regional Consultation on the Development of International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries - Kingston, Jamaica, 6 - 8 December 2012

     ISBN: 978-92-5-107495-4

    2013 Anguila Dept. of Fisheries & Marine Resources


    National Report for Anguilla, submitted to the 11th Meeting of the Caribbean Fishery Forum

    2013 Montserrat Fisheries Dvision


    National Report for Montserrat, submitted to the 11th Meeting of the Caribbean Fishery Forum

    2013 Guyana Fisheries Division


    National Report for Guyana, submitted to the 11th Meeting of the Caribbean Fishery Forum

    2013 SVG Fisheries Division


    National Report for St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), submitted to the 11th Meeting of the Caribbean Fishery Forum

    2013 Belize Fisheries Department


    National Report for Belize, submitted to the 11th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisherie Forum

    2013 FAO


    Report of the FAO/CRFM/WECAFC Caribbean Regional Consultation on the Development of International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries, Kingston, Jamaica, 6 - 8 December 2012

    ISBN: 978-92-5-107495-4





    Annual Report of the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organization Coordinating Unit (CNFO-CU)

    2013 CRFM


    SAP Report on Large Pelagic Fisheries- CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2012/ 15

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-66-4


     SAP Report on Flyingfish Fisheries - CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2012 / 14 

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-65-7 



    The CRFM Meta-Data Base Contribution to the CLME Project Information Management System (IMS) Component- CRFM Technical & Advisory Document Series No. 2012 / 13

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-64-0 

    2012 CRFM


    Report of the First Meeting of the CRFM / WECAFC Working Group on Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean, 18 - 19 June 2012, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.  CRFM Technical & Advisory Document Series No. 2012 / 12

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-63-3

    2012 CRFM


    JICA / CRFM Workshop: Promoting the Development of Good Practices for Fisheries Management and Development.  CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2012 / 11 

     ISBN: 978-976-8165-59-6



     CRFM Consultancy Report on Stakeholder Identification and Analysis of the Large Pelagic Fishery in the Wider Caribbean CRFM Technical & Advisory Document Number 2012 / 09 

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-57-2 

    2012 Berry, David S., Tietze, Uwe


    Consultancy Report on review of Existing Policy, Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Governance and Management of Large Pelagic Fisheries in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem. CRFM Techncial & Advisory Document No. 2012 / 08

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-54-1

    2012 CRFM


    Consultancy Report on Stakeholder Identification and Analysis of the Flyingfish Fishery in the Wider caribbean. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2012 / 07

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-55-8

    2012 Berry, David S., Tietze, Uwe


    CRFM Consultancy Report on Review of Existing Policy, Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Governance and Management of Flyingfish Fisheries in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem.  CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2012 / 06

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-56-5

    2012 CRFM


    Overview of the Status of Performance of CARIFIS in CRFM Member States, and Options for the Way Forward. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2012 / 04

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-50-3

    2012 CRFM Secretariat


    Diagnostic Study to Determine Poverty Levels in CARICOM Fishing Communities - Technical Document. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2012 / 03, Volume I

    ISBN: 978-967-8165-53-4

    2012 CRFM Secretariat


    Diagnostic Study to Determine Poverty Levels in CARICOM Fishing Communities - Validation Workshop, 01 - 02 February 2012, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document - No. 2012 / 03, Volume I, Suppl. 1

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-51-0

    2012 CRFM Secretariat


    Diagnostic Study to Determine Poverty Levels in CARICOM Fishing Communities - Policy DocumentCRFM Technical & Advisory Document - No. 2012 / 03, Volume II

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-52-7

    2012 CRFM Secretariat


    Report of the CRFM / JICA Master Plan Dissemination Workshop, 16 - 17 January 2012, St. Lucia.  CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2012 / 02

    ISBN# 978-976-8165-42-8

    2012 CRFM Secretariat


    Promoting the Development of Good Practices for Quality Assurance and Marketing of Fish and Fish Products, 15 - 17 February 2012, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2012 / 01


    2011 CRFM


    Baseline Review of the Status and Management of the Cribbean Spiny Lobster Fisheries in the CARICOM Region.  CRFM Technical Advisory Document, No. 2011/05



    CARICOM/CRFM/JICA Second Regional Workshop on Aquaculture Development Planning . CRFM Technical & Advisory Document No. 2011 / 04

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-44-2 

    2011 CRFM


    CARICOM / CRFM / JICA First Regional Workshop on Aquaculture Development Planning, CRFM Technical and Advisory Document - No. 2011 / 03

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-41-1

    2011 CRFM


    Report of the First Meeting of the CRFM CLME Large Pelagic Fishery Consultancy Steering Committee, CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2011 / 02

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-40-4

    2011 CRFM


    Report of the First Meeting of the CRFM / CLME Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery Consultancy Steering Committee, CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No.  2011 / 01

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-39-8

    2010 CRFM


    Sustainable Development and Conservation of Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the Caribbean - The Role of ICCAT, CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No. 2010 / 02

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-36-7

    2010 CRFM


    Paper on Managing Praedial Larceny in Fisheries - New Technologies and Challenges, CRFM Technical and Advisory Document No 2010 / 01

    2009 CRFM


    Report and Proceedings of the CANARI / CRFM / UWI - CERMES Workshop on Regional Fisherfolk Organisations Policy Influence and Planning 13 - 15 January 2009, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2009 / 02

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-26-8

    2009 CRFM


    Updated Directory of Fisheries Stakeholders in the Caribbean. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2009 / 01

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-29-9

    2009 JICA


    Inception Report - Study on Formulation of Master Plan on Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources for Coastal Community Development in the Caribbean

    2009 CRFM


    Report and Proceedings of the CRFM Multidisciplinary Working Group Meeting on the Common Fisheries Policy, 31 March - 1 April 2009, Guyana

    2008 CRFM


    Expansion of Existing Data Collection Systems to Capture, Store and Manage Social and Economic Data from the Fisheries Sector.  Fish.  CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2008 / 3

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-21-3

    2008 CRFM


    Workbook for the CRFM / CTA Training Workshop on Management, Communication and Advocacy for Fisher Folk Organisations in CARIFORUM. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2008 / 2, Suppl. 1

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-31-2

    2008 CRFM


    Report of the CRFM / CTA Training Workshop on Management Communication and Advocacy for Fisherfolk Organizations. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2008 / 2

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-27-5

    2008 CRFM


    Directory of Fisheries Stakeholders in the Caribbean. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, 2008 / 01

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-16-9

    2007 CRFM


    Review of the current situation on IUU Fishing and Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) in the fisheries sector of the CARICOM / CARIFORUM Region and a Strategy for enhancing the effectiveness of MCS and a Proposal for a project to enhance the effectiveness of MCS  

    Mission Report

    2007 CRFM


    Report of the CTA / CRFM Regional Fisheries Stakeholders Workshop to Promote the Launching of a Caribbean Network of National Fisher Folk Organisations, 26 - 28 September 2007, Grenada, CRFM Technical & Advisory Document,  No 2007 / 11

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-10-7

    2007 CRFM


    Report of the National Consultation to Launch Fisher Folk Organization in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2007 / 10

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-11-4

    2007 CRFM


    Report of the National Consultation to Launch a National Fisher Folk Organization in St. Lucia. CRFM Terchnical & Advisory Document, No.  2007 / 09

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-10-7

    2007 CRFM


    Report of the National Consultation to Launch a National Fisher Folk Organization in St. Kitts and Nevis. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2007 / 08

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-12-1

    2007 CRFM


    Report of the National Consultation to Launch Fisher Folk Organization in Guyana. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2007 / 07

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-13-8

    2007 CRFM


    Report of the National Consultation to Launch Fisher Folk Organization in Grenada. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2007 /  06

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-14-5

    2007 CRFM


    Report of the National Consultation to Launch a National Fisherfolk Organisation in Dominica. CRFM Technical and Advisory Document 2007/05

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-15-2

    2007 CRFM


    Analysis of Data Collected During the Queen Conch (Strombus Gigas) Visual Surveys of November 2003 in Belize. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2007/03

    2007 CRFM


    Fisher Folk Organizations in the Caribbean: Briefing Note on Networking for Success. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2007 / 02

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-09-1

    2007 CRFM


    Report of the CTA / CRFM Training of Trainers Workshop for Fisheries Extensions Officers to Enhance their skills to provide better information, advisory and training services to Primary and National Fisher Folk Organizations, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2007 / 01

    ISBN: 978-976-8165-08-4

    2006 CRFM


    Report of the Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Social, Economic and linkage issues that may impact the establishment of a Common Fisheries Policy and Regime, 19 March 2006, Trinidad and Tobago

    2002 Almerigi, S


    Leadership for Fisherfolk


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